
174 2 0

Julie Pov
"Come on Julie! You have to tell us,"my best friend Hailey said.
"Yes! I NEED TO KNOW,"my other best friend Saige yelled.
"Ok I'll tell you, but you didn't need to yell Saige,"I said while glaring at her.
Hailey, Saige and I were playing Truth or Dare, when Hailey asked who I had a crush on. Now I'm gonna tell them. Yay!(note the sarcasm)
"Ok well I've kind've had a huge crush on.........Anthony, since First grade,"I said while biting my lip. Just waiting for their reaction.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH," both of them scream extremely loud. I probably lost my hearing.
"I KNEW IT!!!! I KNEW IT!!!! I KNEW IT!!!!!!"Hailey screamed even louder than Saige.
At least we are outside. At the park. I am very embarrassed right now.
"Guys, people are staring,"I tried to tell them.
"Excuse me! I don't care if other people are looking at us right now!"Saige said with sass.
"Yeah!!! We just found our school's number one OTP!!!!!"Hailey said.
"WE NEED A SHIP NAME HAILEY!!!!!"Saige screamed.
"I GOT IT!!!!! AJ!!!"Hailey screamed.
"PERFECT!!! AJ IS OTP!!!!!!"Saige screamed.
They stared to run around the park screaming"AJ IS OTP!" Really loudly. I guess two people think that Anthoy and I are good for each other. I sat under the tree we were playing Truth or Dare under. You know until Saige and Hailey made me tell them who I have a crush on.
I love them. They really are great friends. Even though now, they are going to try to get me and Anthony together. Oh well.
I quietly said,"AJ is OTP."


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