Love Myself

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Legend has it, that when two immortal demigods are reunited as lovers, our world will thrive. Deja is one of those two demigods. Deja is the daughter of Kora, the Water Goddess, and another mortal, whose name is unknown to our story. Zest is the son of Bob, the wind God. Zest and Deja were made for each other, literally. Mortals believe that if these two demigods are married, then all disease will be cured, wars will end, and poverty will become nonexistent. Unfortunately, they were separated by their parents because of the feud created between Kora and Bob. Our story begins in the twenty-first century.

     Deja has lived thousands of years without Zest. She knows that they were made for each other, and had loved him for all those years. Deja has spent her time traveling from place to place, seeing the world. And making sure that no one got suspicious of her age.

Zest, on the other hand has spent his time with all different women. Having many affairs over his immortal life. Forgetting all about
Deja, when they were 10 years old. That's the age of when they were separated. Zest stayed in the United States, watching all developments, and fallouts.

Although, one day, Deja was traveling to the US with one of her friends that knew of her immortality, Viktoria. Viktoria knew that her friend would eventually out live her, that's why she goes around traveling with Deja. And it was time for them to explore the country of USA.

Coincidentally, they were in California, the same time as Zest, in the same exact city. Weird, right?

Deja and Viktoria walked into a small coffee shop, with the logo of a mermaid, whose name is not important. *wink. At the same time, Zest walked into the coffee shop for his morning coffee.

That's when it happened, the special moment. None of them were paying attention to their path. That's when Zest bumped into the ladies. Zest fell on top of Viktoria while Deja only stumbled.

Deja instantly recognized Zest as her immortal soulmate. But didn't say anything, due to the position her friend and Zest were in. Zest was still on top of Viktoria, and they were staring into each other's eyes. Okay, so maybe that moment wasn't so special for Deja.

Deja left the coffee shop, so that Viktoria and Zest could have their special moment. She went back to her hotel room, which was fortunately separated from Viktoria's.

From that moment Deja knew that Zest didn't remember her. She knew that Zest and Viktoria would be married, and even worse she would be invited to be the maid of honor. She sighed as she decided on her life decisions. Deja had decided to stay in California and live by herself. She chose that it's better to love herself than to be waiting thousands of years for someone who doesn't feel the same way.

Years later Deja was given a child. Deja had fallen for the tricks of the same man, and her daughter was born. At least she would not have to live all these years alone any more, since the immortality had been passed down.

Virgo and Aries of the ones that lived with Deja. Virgo is the daughter of Deja and Zest. When Zest had tricked Deja the day after Viktoria died. Virgo was named after one of Deja's greatest friends. That friend had known of Deja's immortality and stayed with Deja until their death day. Aries is a cat that Deja and Virgo found on the streets. Virgo took the cat in and accidentally gave her immortality, due to Virgo's lack of control over her powers. Aries was named after Virgo's Zodiac sign.

That's how the three lived. Forever, the small family of three lived together this way. Deja taught Virgo that it is better to love yourself than to go off waiting for your feelings to be returned.


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