•#1: Introduction: Gajeel Redfox x Fem!Reader •

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Number 1 of the drabbles collection.
You made your way through the Fairytail guild, the stench of alcohol, sweat and body odour pouring in through your nose at an unimaginable rate made your face twist into that of disgust. You quickened your pace and sat at the bar, Mirajane meeting you with a caring smile, "How's my favourite, (y/n)?" You sighed and placed your head in your hands, "I've been here a couple of days Mirajane and I haven't even met the most known members of the guild..." Mirajane chuckled as she placed a glass of (F/D) infront of you and said "They'll be back shortly and I'll be sure to introduce you to them!" You tapped your finger impatiently as you heard the doors slam open, "GUESS WHO'S BACK!", "Shut up flame brain ya already pissin people off.", "WHAT DID YOU SAY METAL MOUTH?", "WANNA GO AT IT SALAMANDER?" And before anything else could be said a loud whack and two thuds sounded throughout the guild as you turned to see none other than Erza Scarlet rubbing her hands off and placing them on her hips, "Now everyone. I was informed of a new member, may I meet with her?" Your eyes widened as you saw her beat up two guys without breaking a sweat, you turned your direction down to the two males on the floor with giant lumps poking out of their heads.

Your eyes instantly landed on the man with black hair and weirdly pierced eyebrows, your gaze wouldn't move from examining him. He was definitely well built, and your heart immediately started thumping as his eyes opened and you saw crimson. The male next to him was being lifted up by a girl with blonde hair and dragged to a bench, whilst the man with black hair picked himself up and glared at Erza. "You. I'm guessing you're the new female in our guild. Nice to meet you, I'm Erza scarlet." You nodded instantly and took her hand in yours and shook it, "Hello, my names (Y/n) (L/n), it's a pleasure to finally meet you." You smiled back at her as the guy with pink hair and the blonde haired girl walked up to you, "I'm Lucy Heartfelia, and this is-", "I'm Natsu Dragneel! It's awesome to finally meet ya! Wanna fight?" The girl called Lucy shook her head and lightly slapped him, "Leave her alone Natsu, she's just got here." As the two bickered, Erza sat next to you and ordered a strawberry shortcake, "So what do you specialise in?" You twiddled your thumbs and said, "Time Magic..." Erza spat out her drink and turned to you, "And master still let you join?", "O-Oh it wasn't my fault I was taught it since a young age! It's just what I specialise in!" Erza calmed down slightly as the seat next to you was quickly taken by the black haired guy from before, "Yo can I have a beer." Erza stared at him with a death glare as he sighed and said, "Please." Mirajane chuckled as she said, "Sure, coming up!"

You tapped your finger on the side of the glass a few times until, "Can you stop that? It's annoying as hell." The male next to you said as you quickly stopped and pushed back you (h/l) (H/c) hair and blushed lightly, "Sorry about that...I didn't quite catch your name, I'm-", "Yeah I know you're (f/n), I'm Gajeel Redfox. The Iron Dragon Slayer." Your eyes widened once more, as did his smirk as he noticed that you slowly realised you were in the presence of a dragon slayer...two to be exact! As you already knew about Natsu Dragneel. "Oh wow that's really cool...I specialise in Time Magic." Gajeels eyes widened as he said, "Ain't that the forbidden magic or some crap?" You chuckled and said, "To some it's forbidden but I grew up learning it." Gajeel placed a finger on his chin as you slowly drank in all of his rough features. You were quickly drawn back to your senses as Lucy had shouted, "HEY (f/n)! We're having a contest to see who can drink the most! It's in pairs, so I was thinking me and Natsu versus you and Gajeel?" You quickly turned to Gajeel as he smirked, "Sure, ya up for it toots?" You smiled at the nickname and nodded, "Sure, I can handle my liquor."

After drinking for over two and a half hours straight your head began to feel dizzy, but Gajeel and Natsu were still chugging down beers like it was nothing. "Lu *Hic* Lucy...shouldn't we tell them to *Hic* stop..." Lucy giggled and leaned forward on the table, "N-No...let them get *Hic* on with it..." You nodded and face planted into the table, passing out quickly. You awoke to the motion of being carried, your hands held whatever was making you move, tighter as you snuggled into it. You began taking in the scent of metal fused with a scent you couldn't quite describe. Warmth encircled your front half whilst your back was emitted to the cold. You opened an eye to see a mass of black hair and two arms holding your thighs, "G-Gajeel?..." You murmured out still half asleep, "Yeah, how ya doin up there?" You snuggled back into the crook of his neck and said "I'm doing...better...where are we going?..." Gajeel quickly tightened his grip on your thighs as he murmured out, "Well...if ya hadn't of woken up by the time we got near my place I was gonna let ya stay there but seeing as though you're awak-", "If you're offering Gajeel I'll stay at your place..." You were still half drunk and unknowingly to you, Gajeel was blushing a brighter red than Erza's hair. "You sure? It's not the nicest pla-", "My house was back the other way...so unless you want to walk for another hour or two that's up to you..." Gajeel instantly locked up, "Shit. But Mirajane said? That ass." You chuckled and said, "Oh well...ill be out of your hair tomorrow just let me sleep..." Gajeel chuckled and said, "Well this was a fast introduction..."

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