•Tokyo Ghoul ~ Bullying (Part 1)~ •Renji Yomo x Ghoul!Reader•

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Age of 13:

You felt tears stream down your face as the words from those around you punctured you like small knives, digging in with each and every word being said to you. "You're one of them aren't you! Those monsters."  You couldn't help be who you were, it wasn't your fault you were born into this body of yours. Your hands were clenched as your knuckles turned white from gripping the fabric of your trousers so tightly, the boys surrounding you now, "You're a murderer." "You're scum." Each word punctured deep in your heart, "No...No i'm not...i'm...normal..." As soon as you looked up to see the cruel look in your captors eyes, they began throwing stones at you. The rain was hitting your back at immense speed as you laid in a pool of your own blood, you refused to fight back knowing that it would just end badly for you. Your father and mother had been murdered by the infamous ccg and you were the only one left..."...the only one..." You coughed as your weak body laid in the rain, the sound of it hitting your already drenched clothes lulling you to sleep. You didn't deserve this torture, you didn't deserve to be named the monster. Your tears were now melted in with the rain drops glistening on your skin, it becoming paler and paler in the cold. The metallic taste in your mouth didn't soothe you, it made you want to throw up. You were so close to passing out before you heard the sound of footsteps coming closer and closer, you were scared. Your (h/l) (h/c) hair sticking to your face and the pavement beneath you, but you had no strength to move your aching body and run for your life, you didn't have any drive left in you. "...Kill me...if you want to..." You opened your eyes with the rest of your strength to see the footsteps belonged to a boy, he knelt down next to you and wrapped you in something warm. Your mind becoming cloudy as you pulled the item drawled over you even closer, taking in all of its warmth.

You awoke to the feeling of movement, the swaying making your already sore stomach churn. "You're awake?" The sound came from the boy carrying you, you were shocked that he hadn't done what the others did and left you for dead. "T-Thank...you..." Your voice came out cracked and harsh, but the boy understood each word you said. "You looked pretty bad. What happened?" You looked down at his back as your grip tighttened on his shirt, he tensed up as you began crying once more. "You...wouldn't want to know..." The boy gave a small sigh as he said, "I know what you are...", your breath hitched in your throat as you gulped slightly, "Y-You do?..Why aren't you scared? I'm a monster..." The boy stopped as he quietly said, "You're not a monster...they are. The people who hurt you..they're the real monster's. I'm just like you..a ghoul." Your eyes widened as you smiled lightly, "I've never met another ghoul...i've always been on my own...the ccg took away my parents..." The boy began walking once more as he said, "I have a sister, she looks after me. She wouldn't mind me bringing you back. Oh...my name's Yomo, Renji Yomo. What's yours?", you smiled a little bit at the niceness of the boy called Renji, "My names (F/n) (L/n). It's nice to meet you. Also...thank you so much...you're the first person to show kindness to me, I owe you my life." Renji's eyes widened as unknowingly to the girl, he was blushing furiously. "I-It's nothing...we should be there soon." You nodded lightly and laid your head on Renji's back, falling sleep within an instant.

You awoke once more in the warmth of a house, the warmth making your aching body feel as light as a feather. You looked down at your arms to see bandages placed everywhere from were the boys had beaten you with stones. Before you could snuggle back under the blanket placed over you, a woman walked in with a bright smile. "Hello (F/n), Renji is just upstairs. You can just call me Nee-san. You're welcome to stay here as long as you like." You sat up as the woman came and sat next to you, enveloping you in a hug, "I heard about your family...i'll be sure to keep you safe." You looked up at the woman to see tears in her eyes, "Nee-san...thank you..." You hugged her back tightly, never wanting to let go.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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