Chapter 1-Graduation Night

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It’s a massive day today-The day you graduate from college.  The time soon came. All the year 12’s were seated in the hall. Of course you sit next to Justin. After so many names being called, you finally hear your name from the speakers being called to receive your graduation certificate. “y/n!” Everyone is cheering and clapping for you, as you get up with a big smile on your face. As you slowly got up, Justin stood up with you and gave you a kiss on the cheek while locking your hands together. You smile and look at Justin in his amazing caramel eyes. He looks at you and says “Congratulations babe!” He slowly lets you go and sits back down as you walk up to the principal. You take your certificate and walk over to the microphone stand. A little nervous, you say you 30 second speech. “I’d like to thank my parents for always supporting me. I’d also like to thank someone very special in my life that I’m very grateful to have. Thank you Justin for being there whenever I need you. You always put a smile on my face and know how to make my day.” A photographer takes your photo and you start to walk back to your seat next to Justin. You go and sit next to Justin and he leans towards you and gives you a warm, tight hug then kisses your forehead. You smile and look up at Justin with a smile, then give your attention to the people being called. A few minutes later, you hear Justin’s name being called. You congratulate Justin with a quick kiss and a smile. Justin walks up to get his certificate. He says his speech into to microphone that went for about a minute. He didn’t seem nervous at all. You clap and cheer very loud for Justin and his attention goes to you. He mentions you in his speech.

(Justin’s P.O.V)

…And I’d like to thank my amazing girlfriend *y/n*! She’s always been there for me from the start. I don’t know where I’d be without her.” I see *y/n* blush into her hands and her friends lightly nudge her. I thought that was cute. I love it when she blushes, she looks adorable! As I walk over to the photographer to get my photo taken, I see *y/n* quickly take out her phone and take a photo of me holding up my certificate with the principal. Everyone applauds and cheers again and as I walk back and *y/n* quickly puts her phone away. I walk back to her with a big grin on my face. “I saw that” referring to the picture she took on her phone. She grins pokes her tongue out at me. I laugh and hug her once again.

(*y/n’s* P.O.V)

It’s finally the end of the night. Everyone is hanging around in the hall saying their goodbyes. You and Justin don’t have to say your goodbyes to each other since you two live together. You say bye to your mum and dad, both giving them kisses and hugs. You mum tells you to be careful and safe. And of course, you dad agrees. Your mum goes to chat to Pattie and your dad goes to chat to Jeremy. Both Jazzy and Jaxon run to you and give you a big hug. Then they move onto Justin and do the same. With all your makeup on, Jazmyn compliments you saying that you look really pretty. You reply with “Awhh thank you Honey! You look gorgeous too!” Jazmyn was wearing a pretty floral dress a little past her knees.  Justin picks up Jaxon and you do the same to Jazmyn. You both walk over to each other’s friends and say your goodbyes. You walk over to a few of your friends and say your goodbyes. Justin smiles at your friends as you two walk away. You both start to walk to Justin’s friends when one of your friends call out your name. “*y/n!* Make sure you always update us on when you’re going to have a baby so we can always come and visit you two!” You and Justin both laughed and continued walking to Justin’s friends. Arghh his laugh is so cute! You both walked over to Chaz, Ryan and Nolan who were all saying their goodbyes as well. You could have sworn you saw Ryan shed a tear! Out of all Justin’s friends, you’re closer to Ryan. You could always go to him when you’re having an argument with Justin. He’d talk you through it and you’d be alright. God dammit you’re going to miss him! You hugged the boys goodbye and gave each one of them kiss on the cheek. You made sure you were up to date with everyone’s phone number and address. You say your goodbyes to your mum and dad once again before they part their ways. Your mum started to cry, but you hugged her tight and told her that you’re going to be just fine. She told you that you always had to visit her and call her. You replied with “Yes muuuuum” Your dad told Justin to look after you and make sure you’re always alright. Justin laughed and nodded his head in response as to what you dad had said to him. Pattie and Jeremy then say their goodbyes to you then Justin. They both did what your parents did. They told Justin to be careful and look after you.

(Back to Justin’s P.O.V)

“I will mum” I say as I look at *y/n* talking to Jazzy and Jaxon. My mum walks over to *y/n* and tells her that she’s got to get the littlies to bed because it’s getting late. I slowly walk over to her and she slowly stands up to my height. She says her goodbyes to Jazzy, Jaxon, my mum and dad.

(Back to your P.O.V)

You slowly hug them all goodbye and goodnight. They do the same back. It was pretty late and nearly everyone was gone. You and Justin say goodbye to the remaining teachers and start to walk to Justin’s car. Luckily, there was security and police outside the school, making sure no one goes psycho for Justin. Luckily, there were only a few Beliebers waiting for Justin, he put down his window, waved to them and smiled. They squealed and yelled “WE LOVE YOUUU!!” Justin and I both looked at each other and replied back with “We love you too!”

(10 minutes later, Justin’s P.O.V)

Its 11:45 pm and *y/n* is sleeping. He head is rested on the window with her phone, purse and graduation hat in her lap. After a minute of two, we finally enter the gates of our house and arrive home. She is waken by the sudden stop of the car. *y/n* rubs her eyes and looks around a little confused. She looks around then realizes that we’re home. She collects her belongings, then slowly steps out of the car. I wrap my right arm around her waist as we walk towards the front door. It’s pretty dark and I can’t really see the pin code machine to unlock the doors, so *y/n* unlocks her phone and puts it up against the machine so I can put in the pin. Ahhh! It’s been a long night and feels so good to be home. We step into the house and head straight to the bedroom. *y/n* puts her stuff on the bedside table then goes straight to the wardrobe and takes off he shoes. She puts them away then gets out a pair of shorts and one of my t-shirts. She takes off her gorgeous dress then puts on her shorts and my t-shirt. *y/n* hangs up the dress and goes to the bed. I quickly undress and put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and hop into bed with her. I kiss her forehead goodnight and she replies with a goodnight as well. In just a few minutes, she falls asleep in my arms. “Goodnight angel.” I whisper quietly, then rest my head on my pillow and slowly close my eyes. 

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