Chapter 2-New Music

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It’s nearly lunchtime and you can smell the food cooking. You slowly open your eyes and see that Justin isn’t beside you anymore. You sit up on the bed and stretch and yawn, and then put on your slippers. Justin walks into the room and sees you. He walks up to you and jumps on the bed and hugs you from behind. “Good morning beautiful!”  You smile and turn to look at Justin. “Good morning babe. Arghh I’m so hungry” you groan. “I’m cooking a late breakfast for us-pancakes!” Justin says getting up. “Mmmm! Sounds good!” You say with a smile on your face. You get up and go to the bathroom and wash your face and brush your teeth. You put your hair up in a messy bun and walk over to the kitchen where Justin was watching TV while waiting for the pancakes to cook. You walk over to Justin and hug him from behind. He turns his head to look at you, and you both smile. You hug Justin for a bit until the pancakes are cooked. “They’re cooked now! Want some?” Justin asks while trying to get the pancakes on two plates with you still hugging him. “Yes pleeeaseee” You say while letting go of Justin and walking to the cupboard to get the syrup. Justin gets out the ice cream and strawberries and puts them on the table. He washes the strawberries then you take the leaves off them. Justin cuts them in half and places them on the pancakes flat side down. You then add some ice cream and syrup to both plates of pancakes. Justin takes both your plate and his plate and places them on the small table in front of the TV. You grab 2 forks and 2 knives from the kitchen drawer. Justin had the channel on MTV. Just as you were heading back, your attention got to the TV. “…And up next, we have Justin Bieber’s Beauty and A Beat!” Justin pays his attention to the TV while eating. He was paying a little too much attention that he missed his mouth with the food. Instead the food got his chin. “Woops” You looked at Justin and saw he had all syrup and ice cream all over his chin. You laughed at Justin. “Justin…” You said while laughing. “What are you doing? That’s not where your mouth is…” Justin looked at you laughing and said “Yeah.. Uhh...can you get me a tissue?” You nodded your head. You brought the whole tissue box for Justin then looked at the TV again. Beauty and A Beat was over. You looked at Justin and said “Awhh now look! I didn’t get watch Beauty and A Beat because my attention was all on you!” Justin knows it’s one of your favourite songs of his so he said “Awhh! Well, I’ll make it up to you. After breakfast, I’ll sing for you okayyy?” You had a big grin on your face. “Ooo! Okay!”

After you and Justin finished breakfast, you went back to the bedroom with Justin. Well you thought you went back to the bedroom with Justin. “Well are you go-“You stopped when you turned around and realised that Justin wasn’t following you. “Babe?” “Yeahhh?” Justin responded. “What are you doing? I thought you were going to sing for me!” You said throwing yourself on the bed and crossing your legs. You got your phone then logged into Instagram while waiting for Justin. You posted a selfie with the caption as ‘He’s so sweet! <3 u xx’ in a matter of seconds, you were at hundreds of likes and comments. You smile at seeing so many nice comments about you two. You tapped on the microphone app that you’d downloaded to record stuff. Justin then walked into the bedroom with his guitar. You love it when Justin sings acoustic! You clicked the record button and put you phone face down on the bed so Justin wouldn’t notice you’re recording him.

(Justin’s P.O.V)

I smile at *y/n* and sit on the bed with her. “Whatcha doin?” I asked. She replied with “ehh nothing” then smiled. I looked at her with a ‘are you sure about that’ kinda look, with a smirk. I start to sing Beauty and A Beat to *y/n*. She joins in with me since she’s got a pretty good voice herself. Yeah. I’ve gotta admit that. She does sound pretty good herself! After the song finished, we both laughed. *y/n* took my guitar then started to one of my songs. It was Be Alright. Dammn she sounds so good! Especially when she hits those high notes! I start to sing along with *y/n* and her amazing voice. “Don’t you worry, cuz everything’s gonna be alright” We both smile at each other as we finish singing the song. I remove the guitar and go in for a hug. When she’s in my arms, it feels like the whole world is in my arms. I pull away from the hug look at *y/n*.  She gets up and leans the guitar against the wall then makes herself comfortable on the bed.  She lies on the bed and turns on her side. I lie down too and look at her.  She pokes her tongue at me then goes on her phone. She forgot to log out of something because her notifications have been going crazy for the last 20 minutes. “*y/n*…” I wait for her reply. She looks back up at me with her pretty brown eyes. “Yeah?” she replies then looks back down to her phone. “I’ve got something to ask you.” I say with a smile on my face. She looks back up at me confused. “I was thinking, since I’m recording a new album, and you have an amazing voice, and I want you to be on my album…” A big grin appears on her face. I think she knows where I’m going with this. “…So I was wondering if you wanted to do a song with me? Put it on the new album?” *y/n* sits up on the bed starts screaming and freaking out. “Oh my God Justin! Are you serious?!” I nod my head in response. “How can I ever say no?! Of course I will! Oh my God Justin!! I just! I can’t even talk!” After finally calming down *y/n*, we rested on the bed for a bit and talked about things the song could be about. She’s got so many ideas that she’s saying and I can’t keep up! But I find it pretty cute as to how excited she is. She’s never been on a song before, so this is her first time. I put on a movie that we both watch in bed. After about an hour and a half of the movie, I feel a light bang on my left arm. I look over and see *y/n* sleeping. I move away her hair and give her a kiss on her forehead. I reach for my phone on the bedside table and log into Instagram. I scroll through my mentions and see them all about *y/n*. I was kind of curious, so I went on her profile and looked at her most recent post. I looked at the photo then read the caption. ‘He’s so sweet! <3 u xx’ I looked at *y/n* and smiled. I put a blanket over us and I fell asleep myself.

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