Chapter 3- A Special Day Out

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I wake up to the sound of *y/n’s* ringtone. It took me a minute to realize what the song was. But it was both of us singing Beauty and a Beat yesterday. I smile at the thought of *y/n* recording us. I quickly reach out my left arm onto the bedside table, trying to find *y/n*’s phone without opening my eyes and getting up. *y/n* slowly gets up and rubs her eyes. I feel *y/n*’s phone on the table and slowly open my eyes to look at who’s calling. It was a private number. She looks on her bedside table and can’t find her phone. By the time I hand the phone to *y/n*, the ringing stopped. She unlocked her phone and looked at the number but it said private. “Sorry” She looks at me while getting up. “No its ok. It’s 9 am anyway. Let’s get up?” I look at her with a smile. She yawns then turns her head to me and nods. We stand up and fix the bed. After the bed looked neat enough, I walked to *y/n* and gave her an unexpected hug. “Good morning angel” I say. “Good morning babe” She says with her sweet morning voice. I pull away and we go into the bathroom and brush our teeth and wash our faces. After she finishes, she heads towards the kitchen. “Babe, I’m making breakfast. What do you want?” I quickly spit out the toothpaste in my mouth and answer back “Uhmm…Cap’n Crunch!” I rinse my mouth out then grab the towel and dry my mouth. After we both finish breakfast we have a shower and get dressed. “Justin, what are we going to do today?” *y/n* asks while sitting on the couch and scrolling through Twitter on her phone. “It’s a surprise! I’ll tell you in the car.” I tell her. I quickly get my Toronto Maple Leafs jacket, a jacket for *y/n*, and 2 beanies and put them into a backpack.

(*y/n*’s P.O.V)
I grab some socks and put on my purple Converse. Justin walk’s towards me in his purple Supras. “Alright. You ready?” Justin asks heading to the front door with a backpack. I feel my pockets for my phone. Yep. Got it. But why does Justin have a backpack? “Yeah. Let’s go.” We get into Justin’s Fisker and Justin opens the boot and puts the backpack in there. What? Why? Justin starts the car. After we get out of the front gate, I look at Justin. “Justin, can you tell me where we’re going now? And why you bought a bag with you?” “Babe, it’s a surprise! Just wait another 15 minutes okay? Okay? And the bag, don’t worry about that. You’ll find out later.” Alright then?

(Justin’s P.O.V)
I’m planning on taking *y/n* to see the Maple Leaves since they’re here in Cali for a bit. I know she really loves them and I’d like to meet them too.
We’re about 2 minutes away from the place. I park next to the big building. “Oh my God! We’re finally here! Justin, can you explain where we are now?” *y/n* asks with a serious face but ends up laughing. The Leaves are training for tomorrow’s game, so there isn’t really anyone here. We get out of the car and I walk towards *y/n* and hold her hand. We walk to the boot of the car and I grab the bag. I walk her to the entrance of the building. “Close your eyes. Don’t look.” *y/n* puts her hands over her eyes as I guide her through the entrance. The skating arena is closed for today, but I asked if I could take *y/n* there for a day and meet the Leaves, teach her how to skate and have a little fun. I look at the receptionist and give her a nod and smile. “Okay. You ready? When I say three, take your hands off your eyes. One…Two…Three!” *y/n* removed her hands from her eyes and gasps. “Ice skating?!” *y/n* looks at me with an open mouth for an answer. I smile and giggle.  “We’re not alone. Guess who we’re joining!” I say with a grin on my face. *y/n* takes a few seconds to think. “OH MY GOD! WAIT. IF THERES A GAME TOMORROW, AREN’T THE TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS MEANT TO BE HERE TRAINING?!” *y/n* says excitedly. “Hahha shhh! Yeah. I figured I’d take you here! We’re going to skate and play a game or two with them today. But we can’t take up too much of their time because they need to practice for tomorrow’s game.” *y/n* nods her head in response and grabs my hand and pulls me towards the reception to get our skates. She’s so keen to get started! “But Justin, we kinda have a problem. I don’t know how to skate.” “It’s okay babe. I’ll teach you.” We tell the receptionist our shoe sizes. In exchange for our shoes, we get a pair of skates. We sit down on a couch. As I’m tying up the shoe laces, I look up at *y/n*. She got a nervous look. “Babe! It’s okay!” I give her a sweet kiss and she smiles. “Alright?” “Okay.” I help her up and we walk down the carpet into a hallway. ‘TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS’ was typed up on a piece of paper that was stuck to the door. Their change room. I tap *y/n* on her shoulder and point to the sign. “OH MY GOD!” *y/n* yells a-bit too loud. I laugh and tell her to calm down. As we approach the door, it opens and mine and *y/n*’s favourite player, John Liles walks out.  *y/n* runs to John and hugs him. I walk towards *y/n* and greet Liles. I take *y/n*’s hand and walk her to the ice skating rink, followed by the team. Still holding our bag, I let go of *y/n*’s hand and take out our beanies and jackets. “Babe turn around” I say while stretching out the beanie to put on her head. She faces me and tilts her head forward. I put the beanie on her head and help her put on her jacket. I put on my own jacket and beanie, then leave the backpack on a seat. I take *y/n*’s hand, and we slowly step on the ice.

(*y/n*’s P.O.V)
I carefully put a foot onto the ice. As I move my other foot, I slip and fall back into Justin’s arms. “I got you” Justin whispers in my ear. I smile. “Sorry. Thank you.” I say while looking into Justin’s beautiful coloured eyes. Justin walks me to the middle of the ice skating rink. “Watch me.” Justin slowly lets got of my hands. “Justin no! Don’t let go! I’m going to fall!” I yell to Justin. “Hahha! *y/n*, just watch me! I’ll teach you! It’s easy! Just push one leg forward then out, then do the same to the other leg!” I watch Justin skate. He’s so good! Justin walks over to me and stands behind me, holding my waist. “So push your right foot forward, then to the side.” Justin says calmly. After about 5 minutes of Justin teaching me, I finally get the hang of it. “See! Look at you! It wasn’t that hard was it?!” I shake my head in response and continue to skate around Justin as he watches me.

(Justin’s P.O.V)
Wow! She learnt the basics so quickly! “*y/n*, do you think you can play a game of ice hockey now?” She nods her head. The Leafs get onto the ice and begin to train. I take *y/n*’s hand and we walk out of the ice skating rink. “Babe I’m kinda hungry.” *y/n* says while looking ahead. “Alright. We’ll let them train for an hour. In that time, we’ll get lunch. What do you want to eat?” I ask while heading to the seat where I left the backpack. *y/n* takes her beanie, then fixes up her hair. “Taco Bell! I havnt had that in forever!” I laugh and take mine off too. “Mmm! Yeah! I’m up for some Taco Bell!” We put both our beanies and jackets into the bag, then head to reception. We take off our skates, and ask for our shoes. When we get them back, we sit down on a couch, and put them on.

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