Where the hell are we?

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This is a bit delayed sorry! I feel like it's a bit forced writing because I don't exactly have that much inspiration right now but I still hope you like it!

I love every single one of you

"I guess turning left wasn't the right decision"
"Phil stop"

They both stopped to look at their surroundings. It had been twenty minutes since the turn and all they could see were dry leaves and a worn out pavement.

"This doesn't look like heaven, buddy" Phil sighed and looked accusingly at Dan.
"Alright listen up you chicken nugget ho today is just not my day and I have no idea what's wrong with me"
"Fix whatever is wrong then!" Phil exclaimed while knocking Dan's head twice.
"Don't hit me!"
"But can I hit on you?" Phil flirtatiously winked and batted his eyelashes.

Dan groaned but was secretly smiling on the inside. How fun it was to be with Phil, even though they were completely lost and God just wasn't helping.

"So" Dan said as they continued walking down the same path to nothingness. "I have an important question that is going to determine our friendship: what do you think about Free! Iwatobi Swim Club?"
"I think it's the reason I'm gay af"
"And please don't tell me you ship RinHaru"

They did an epic high five which was basically friendship goals (though maybe boyfriend goals would be better but they're not together) (yet)

"I like how we're both complete fanboys like my goodness" Phil laughed.
"Also I am the creepiest stalker ever"
"What do you do? Stalk people till you become best friends?"
"Yeah I gu-"


"What the fu-" Phil started but couldn't finish as they fell down the hole. A hole that they later figured out was the hole to hell.

(holey hell hahahahahah)

"I guess you could say you're falling for me"
"Phil we are falling down a hole and you're making PUNS?"

They continued falling while Phil was internally screaming because what the actual fuck.

Suddenly, they landed at the Dan I mean bottom with a big poof. "Wait these cushions weren't here the last time I came"
"Where the hell are we?"
"Okay so you know how there's heaven and hell?"
"Welcome to hell"

They both silently stared at each other in shock. Slowly, Dan got up and a worried expression made their way into his eyes.

"You okay?" he asked Phil.
"Oh, you know, just casually sitting in hell. Yeah I'm fine and dandy!"
"This isn't even the worst part. Wait till you meet Satan"
"Is he that evil?"
"No just really cringey like please start praying that we don't meet hi-"

At that exact moment, a booming voice followed by explosions and Emperor's New Clothes by Panic! At the Disco was heard by Dan and Phil.

"Hi I'm Satan"
"Well shit"

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