Oh Hell no (ft. Nico di Angelo, The Winchesters, a gay angel and Adam)

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I almost spelt Satan as santa kms

"Hey there daddy"
"Phil now is not the fucking time"

Satan laughed loudly at the cute gay couple who were not even a couple yet but sssshhhh and set everything around him on fire.

"Um, Satan?" Phil said.
"I think Dan is on fire"

Satan sighed and muttered something about "kids always trying to ruin his fun" and "why was his laugh so weird couldn't he have a normal one jeez you had one job, God"

"Anyway" Satan cleared his throat and once again gave them a warm welcome, "This is Hell, welcome and I hope you stay forever"
"Woah woah woah listen up!" Dan shouted. "Before you welcome us here forever, I'll have you know that Phil Lester here isn't supposed to be in Hell"
"I mean I do look like a literal angel"
"Exactly! Thanks for seeing my point. So if you could kindly lead the way back up to heaven-"
"Nah" stated Satan.
"Nah?!" Dan practically screamed.
"Let's party! Let's break all hell loose"
"The puns stop right there"
"I didn't even get to the punchline"

Dan grabbed Phil's arm and dragged him away from Satan, who at this point was laughing at his own pun while slapping his knee.

"We need to get out of here. If we're in Hell for more than a day we'll go absolutely mad"
"Wait but how about that thing in Greek mythology about eating food from Hell or something?"
"It's true so please, as tempting as it is, don't eat anything"
"Would a bite out of you trap me here forever?"
said Phil with a wink.
"If it were to be stuck with you I might not mind"

"GET A ROOM YOU TWO" Satan's voice boomed in their ears.
"Maybe later" Dan said.

Realizing that they had to get out of there, Phil saw their answer and nudged Dan towards a sign that said "EXIT" in big letters.
"Is it seriously that easy?" they asked Satan.
"Well I mean we don't exactly tell the truth here so who knows? Wanna say fuck it and give it a try?"
"I'd like to do that to you" Phil told Dan who in response winked back despite his red face.

But before they could reach the EXIT sign, Satan blocked their way. "Going already? How boring. Let me at least introduce you to some people!"

Phil nervously glanced at Dan but at this point they couldn't do anything. "Um totally!" Dan exclaimed in fake excitement.

Satan squealed like a kawaii Japanese school girl and immediately lead them to another room. When opening the large, steel doors, they were welcomed by Adam.

"Wait you're still in Hell?" asked Phil. "Didn't Sam and Dean do something about this?"
"Ah great. Hang in there"

Next they were greeted by the one and only Dean Winchester.

"Dude, Adam is like right there, save him or something" said Dan.

Suddenly Cas burst in through the doors.

"Dean for God's sake stop coming to Hell!"
"Cas! Thank goodness. Bye bitches"

And he was gone.

Then suddenly the creators of Pokemon Go came. "If you're wondering why we're here it's because we created a shitty game. Sorry, world"

(I'm so disappointed with it and if you like it fight me)

And now the real Devil appeared: writer of the milk fic

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