SF Papyrus x reader Part 3

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                                                                                  ~Your POV~

'Why is my face so warm?' I thought sleepily,I opened my eyes and they went wide when I realized I was hugging Papyrus close to me.Papyrus opened one eye and gave a smirk,but he was blushing too. 'I'll leave you to change.' Papyrus said and teleported out,the clock on my dresser said it was seven in the morning.I quickly changed into my casual clothes and splashed some water on my face,but it wouldn't turn back to S/C(skin colour).I huffed when I walked down and crossed my arms, 'Why were you in my bed?' I mumbled. 'You woke up,you hugged me and wouldn't let go so I had to stay,you have an iron grip.' Papyrus answered,he was lying on the couch with his hoodie over his eyes. 'Where's Sans?' I asked,I wanted to change the subject. 'He trains with Undyne on most weekends,so the whole day is lord free.' Papyrus yawned and fell asleep, 'He wakes up from a ten hour sleep and falls asleep again,does he have a sleep disorder or is he just lazy?' I thought getting myself a taco from the fridge.Having been busy the entire week there weren't a lot of things to do,and I didn't want to watch Napstabot's bloody quiz show.I just stared through the window at the snowfall(it's magic,you don't need to explain it XD),memories of playing with my foster brother and sister every winter danced in my vision.I have a very vivid imagination,tears escaped my eyes when I remembered the fire....I was the only one to escape.That's the reason I climbed the mountain and jumped into the hole,I wanted to end my life and join them wherever they were.

'Lullaby, and good night, in the skies stars are bright.
May the moon's silvery beams bring you sweet dreams.
Close your eyes now and rest, may these hours be blessed.
'Til the sky's bright with dawn, when you wake with a yawn.

Lullaby, and good night, you are mother's delight.
I'll protect you from harm, and you'll wake in my arms.

Sleepyhead, close your eyes, for I'm right beside you.
Guardian angels are near, so sleep without fear.
Lullaby, and good night, with roses bedight.
Lilies o'er head, lay thee down in thy bed.

Lullaby, and good night, you are mother's delight.
I'll protect you from harm, and you'll wake in my arms.

Lullaby, and sleep tight, my darling sleeping.
On sheets white as cream, with a head full of dreams.
Sleepyhead, close your eyes, I'm right beside you.
Lay thee down now and rest, may your slumber be blessed.

Go to sleep, little one, think of puppies and kittens.
Go to sleep, little one, think of butterflies in spring.
Go to sleep, little one, think of sunny bright mornings.
Hush, darling one, sleep through the night,
Sleep through the night,
Sleep through.....the night.' I sang,my foster mom had sung me and my foster siblings when we were little but it always stuck with me

                                                                             ~Papyrus's POV~

'Heh,humans sure know how to make nice songs.I envy some humans,but I've heard that others lives are just like ours.' I thought pretending to sleep,that human sound like she was part of a family that loved her.My dad was only nice sometimes,but was a jerk and a grouch most of the time.But it still hurt me and Sans when he fell into his creation,Sans was only three after all. 'Hey pet,where'd you learn that song?' I asked deciding to break the façade, 'Gah!You were listening!?' Y/N demanded sounding flustered. 'You have a very nice singing voice.' I shrugged smirking, 'My foster mother sang it to me and my foster brother and sister when we were little,it stuck with me.' Y/N said and I could practically feel the sadness in her voice. 'How'd they die?' I asked, 'Um,how do you know that?' Y/N asked a bit shrilly. 'I can tell it in your voice, and you wouldn't come to the top of a mountain where no one who returned from without trying to kill yourself.' I said stiffly, 'I-it was a fire,I was the only one to escape.I ran away from the crowd,it was about dawn when I jumped down the hole.' Y/N sniffed.I felt the sudden urge to hug and comfort her, 'I know how it feels,me and my brother lost our dad.' I said. 'What about your mom?' Y/N asked,I gave a sudden jerk and fell of the couch. 'Omigosh are you okay!?' Y/N said running over to me, 'Sorry,it's just a bit of an uncomfortable subject.' I laughed nervously blushing madly. 'Skeletons are kinda unisex,we're one of the few types of monsters where both females and males and get pregnant.' I mumbled going into sweater town,I was not,and I repeat not,going to have this conversation with a girl.

                                                                                    ~Time skip~

'WHY IS THE HUMAN GIVING ME WEIRD LOOKS!?!' Sans asked,Y/N had went into her room. 'I kinda accidentally told her about the preggie thing.' I said laughing nervously, 'GAH!!I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU,THAT'S SOMETHING I THOUGHT YOU WOULD KEEP A SECRET!!!' Sans huffed blushing. 'Atleast I didn't tell her about you and Grillby dating.' I said defensively, 'You have a boyfriend Sans?' Y/N asked giggling. 'HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN STANDING THERE!??' Sans demanded, 'Long enough~' Y/N sang.Sans's cheeks puffed out in anger and he seemed to grow a few inches, 'Calm down lord,it's nothing to be embarrassed about.' I said quickly.Suddenly I felt a weird feeling,like the world is about to change. 'The human's here.' I whispered, unfortunately Sans heard me. 'OF COURSE THERE'S A HUMAN HERE!SHE'S BEEN WITH US THE ENTIRE WEEK!!' Sans said, 'Sure,gotta go for a spell!' I said and teleported.I was right behind what looked to be a ten year old human,I felt something bite my leg.There was a weird dog-thing biting down, 'Really?' I asked picking it up by the ruff. 'P-please don't hurt Temmie!' the human begged,it was a girl with pink cheeks,red eyes and brown hair. 'Don't worry,I'm just saving my bones.But you better hurry through,the monsters around here know what a human looks like.' I said, 'Put me down!!' Temmie said in a high voice. 'As you wish.' I said dropping them,I caught them before it hit the ground with my magic.

(Chara's here and you know what happens,but your relationship with Papyrus escalates to boyfriend and girlfriend when the barrier is broken!And next comes...........the sequel 'Two souls'!Dun dun ddduuuuunn!!!) 

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