Upper Classmen Part 2

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Justin P.O.V. :

   "JUSTIIIIINNNNN!!!!!" my mom screams at the top of her lungs from the kitchen. 

"JUSTINN!  GET UP!  YOU HAVE SCHOOL!"  she continues.  Geez can't a guy get some sleep.

 "I'M UP!!!!!!!"  I yell back to get her to shut up.  I didn't even bother trying to get up, so I just rolled out of the bed instead and  fell flat on my stomach.

I layed there for a second letting my mind fully process my surroundings.  And right as I was about to force myself to sit up, I remembered what had happened yesterday evening.  


My little prank sent her running off to cry.  

Or so people have said...

When I heard, I forced myself to smirk basking in my own satisfaction.  But no one knew how I really felt inside.


*At School*

I  walked into the front  double doors of the building and, already, I felt sick to my stomach.

People glared at me and then turned to whisper with their peers.

What the hell?

Was there something on my face?  Could they see my boxers?

I turned around to see Chaz sprinting and stumbling towards me with a stupid smile on his face.

 "What are you smiling about?"  I ask.

"Duuuuddde, everyone's talkin' about that sick prank you pulled yesterday." Chaz slurred.

He's probably high.  The fucktard...

"Bro, how much have you been smoking?"  I question with a slight smirk on my face.  "Ohhhhh ya know ... just double the amount I normally have, multiply that byyy...5!  Oh and don't forget to the carry the 1."

A silence grew between us as I merely just stared at him.

"... that's how much I've had." Chaz finished.

He's such an idiot.

Then I remembered what he mentioned earlier.  "So what were you saying about my prank?" I asked.

"Everyone, and I mean evverrryone, heard about the 'white paint incident' with Grande yesterday."  Chaz replied dizzly putting air quotes on the phrase 'white paint incident'.

My stomach dropped...


At that moment, it felt like the whole building had their eyes on me.

Damn it.

Two girls on the other side of the hall leaned up against the lockers and whispered with one another while they continued to glance at me every once in a while.  I gave them a death glare causing them to walk to a more secluded area in the hallway.

"Ayyye Justin."

I turned away from the girls looking behind me to see Jake Thompson, captain of the football team, and a slight man whore, walking towards me with his hand out.  He's one of my best friends.

But I hate him...

"I heard about what you did to that bitch, Ariana." He continued.  "Ahhhh yeaaaa, it was so sick! You shoulda been there. Ahaha the look on her pathetic little face! She ran off like such a baby." Chaz responded.

My throat began to get heavy and my face felt hot.  Why did I have to care so much about what they say behind Ariana's back?  

"I can't say the bitch didn't get what she deserved!" Chaz added while bro hugging Jake. They both cackled to one another when all of a sudden...

"SHE'S NOT A BITCH!!!" I yell.  My face had gone tomato red and I began to breathe heavily.  Why was I defending her????? 

What the hell did I just do......

Jake and Chaz stared at me with looks of confusion mixed with utter disgust.

Shit. What do I do?

"Uhhh...I mean....sh-she's much more than just a bitch." I stutter.

"She's also a--a huge slut." I contined.

Chaz and Jake stood there staring at me with blank expressions on their faces.

I gulped.

"I hear that she has sex with basically any guy she can get her hands on."

Their eyes started to widen.

And that's when I looked around and noticed that everyone had been listening.


"Wait bro, seriously???"  Jake quesitons.

"Uhhhhh...yea! Sh-she pays like half of them!"  I say, building onto the bullshit lie I was making.  Everyone around began to whisper among one another with shocked looks on their faces.  Some people giggling, some smirking, and some who looked down right disgusted.  But not a single face in the crowd around us showed disinterest.

As if Ariana didn't already hate me enough.

I just made it 10 times worse...


Author's Note:  OMG LONG TIME NO READ. I'M SO SORRY THAT I HAVEN'T WRITTEN IN LIKE ATRILLION YEARS.  The second part of the first chapter turned out to be like 13 pages long and I was all like. "Oh heck no, Kyle! Hold my cap." Lawl. But for realz. I'm so sorry. And the next chapter will be much longer and so drama filled that you might just die. JK. ILY! I hope you enjoyed. Comment what you thought and vote. Unless my story sucks. Which  it probably does. But anyway. I'm typing too much. BYEEEE. 

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