Junior High: The Attraction, The Spider, The Rivalry

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"Mr. Bieber, could you kindly take a seat next to Ariana?" Mrs. Loraine asked.

Ariana looked at me with her big, chocolate brown eyes.  She almost seemed... scared...

I sat down beside her and she turned her head away from mine instantly.  I stared at her hoping she'd turn back around.  But she wouldn't.

Was she ignoring me?

I continued to gaze at her while she sat there, doodling smiley faces and flowers in the margins of her notebook.  I watched as she let all the things running through her mind flow across the paper.  Her silky, auburn hair draped over her shoulders, her dainty fingers tangling through each strand. 

I licked my lips as she flipped a lock of hair behind her shoulder.

Please turn around.

Just for a second?

I wanted to say something to her so badly.

But what? What would I say?

'Hey, I know we don't talk much but...'or 'Nice drawings, have you ever considered being an artist...' or 'I like your hair color, it's nice on you..'

No... maybe if I just get her attention instead.  I could probably start a conversation that way.  I'll ask about the notes we're taking...

I reached out my hand to tap her lightly on the shoulder.  My finger was centimeters away from getting there.  Just a few more---

"THE KING HAS ARRIVED. YOU MAY NOW APPLAUD." Chaz yelled, bursting through the classroom door with a smug look on his face.


"Mr. Somers, you're late.  Take your seat and stop interrupting my class." Mrs. Loraine ordered in a serious tone.

"Ok ok, calm down." Chaz responded rudely.

"And I'll be seeing you at lunch detention today for being tardy." Mrs. Loraine added.

Chaz frowned. "Bitch..." he mumbled under his breath.

"Sup, Bieber?" he whispered while plopping down in the seat beside me while setting down the cup of water he had in his hand.

I rolled my eyes and gave him an exasperated sigh.

"Not much.." I breathed out finally.

God, he had a way of ruining everything in my life.  I don't even know how we became friends.

Or why we became friends for that matter.

Ariana scooted her chair further away from mine indicating that she had noticed Chaz's entrance.

I turned back to see Chaz pull a plastic container with holes at the top out of his bag.

"What is that?" I ask.  Chaz moves it closer to me so I could see inside.  I squint my eyes and bring the container up to my face.  While waiting for my eyes to adjust, I saw a large brown object  moving around inside.  Wait.. was that?...

A tarantula

I slid it slowly back over to Chaz trying not to react.

"Dude, why the hell did you bring that thing to school?!" I whisper-yell with a confused look on my face.

Chaz softly chuckles while motioning his head towards someone in front of me.


I gulped... why would he want to bring a tarantula for Ariana? (I didn't know Chaz that well around this time, so I didn't know what kind of status and reputation he carried.)  "Are you gonna give it to her or something?" I question.  "Oh, I'm gonna GIVE it to her alright." Chaz says while laughing cynically.

I scrunch my eyebrows together even more confused than before.

"Okayyy...?" I respond.

At that moment, Chaz takes the lid off of the container and carefully pulls out the tarantula.  He removed himself from his seat and snuck past me over to Ariana while ducking his head so the teacher wouldn't see.  He slowly lifts the tarantula that was sitting in the palm of his hand up to Ariana's back.

I looked down at the paper in front of me, trying to pretend nothing was happening.  As soon as I brought my head back up, Chaz had already returned to his seat.  I gradually turned my head in the direction of where Ariana was sitting.

There it was, slowly crawling up Ariana's back and on to her shoulder.

I glared at the hairy spider as it moved towards her neck.

Chaz snorted trying to hold back laughter.  Ariana must've noticed Chaz's sound and moved her head in the direction to look behind her.  But then, all of sudden...



Ariana had let out a blood curdling scream. 

"GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" she begged.  Chaz had fallen out of his chair, practically dying from how hard he was laughing.  I jumped out of my seat as if it had shocked me.  In my state of urgency, my arm accidentally knocked over the cup of water Chaz had left on the desk. Ariana, still in a frenzy, moved backward and slipped on the puddle I created.  I grab the tarantula off of Ariana and place it back in the container.  The whole class broke into a roar of laughter.  Mrs. Loraine and another random student struggled to help Ariana up as she continued to slip and stumble over the pool of water beneath her.  She looked at me while I returned the spider to the plastic box.  But it wasn't a look to say thank you or a look to express any signs of relief or happiness.  It was a look I've gotten only one other time in my life. A look purer and stronger than ever.


and thus, a rivalry was born.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: OHHH NO! So, this chapter is kinda lame and short. But don't worry, the next one is gonna be great.  Well at least now you know why Ariana hates Justin.  And the funny part is, it was Chaz's fault. Wow. But anyway, vote and comment what u thought!  I love you all!  Chapter 4 coming soon! ILYYYYYY!

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