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xploring Nature's Duality Through the Development of a New Supersymmetric Principle May 26, 2016 2016-08-21T15:33:37+00:00 ,

As the theory of Supersymmetry attempts to explain how the universe works by claiming that each atomic particle exists with its own counterpart (twin) through the marriage of ideas shared in quantum mechanics, and relativity (commonly known as quantum field theory); I am wondering if that idea could use a bit of tweaking.

Supersymmetry actually makes it possible to unify the other forces (weak, strong, and electromagnetism) in the universe. Without supersymmetry, the strength of those forces change as a function of energy, they get closer to each other. It is supersymmetry that makes them equal to one another within a percent-level of accuracy.

What is Project Gemini?

Project Gemini is a thought process suggesting that these twin particles are not actually separate particles acting in opposing ways, but current particles acting as its own counterpart. Meaning that the particles gain mass in order to operate at half the spin of elementary particles when needed in nature in almost deterministic manner in the same way as an asexual amphibian might act as both male and female to ensure it reproduces.

We know that the Higgs field adds mass or lessens mass of the elementary particles, so I am now wondering if particles themselves play a near sentient role in making that happen. I wonder if those particles do so with an awareness of what is required at any given time. There are a few theories that may lend support to that conclusion. The Double slit experiment conducted by Thomas Young offered an introductory glimpse into the potential for particle duality when it showed that particles act as both a wave and a particle depending on whether or not they were being observed, which showed that they act in a manner displaying sentient behavior, The sentience described in the double slit experiment implies that the particles are 'aware' that they are being observed in the first place, which would also allow for the possibility of deterministic behavior in their ability to act in a dualistic manner. Unlike the derterministic behaviour found in dynamic nature, this would imply an almost willfulness behind their behavior. With particles being able to exhibit the properties of light and/or energy, their mutability is practically guaranteed.

With the dualistic nature of particles being evident in their behavior when observed, the focus is easily shifted toward the reason behind this behaviour. The question becomes, why would they move in and/or out of wave behavior or vice versa at all? My first thought would be the creation of matter because that is what happens. We know that all matter is created by atoms, which is made up of subatomic particles acting together to create a nucleus of protons, neutrons and a cloud of orbiting electrons. Since most electrons don't 'live' in orbitals, the purpose implies intent behind them making a 'home' around a nucleus in the first place. Once the particles unify to create the stuff that matter is made of, those things unify in creating the stuff that life is made of. All of this because of dualistic behavior that is evident in subatomic particles. With this dualistic behaviour being evident, I cannot help wondering if those same dualistic properties can be found within the nature of the particles themselves.

The Nature of Particle Duality in Creating the New Supersymmetric Principle

We all understand that there is an infinite balance to all things contained within our universe. Almost everything in the known universe exists in both its evident truth and its counterpart. This is accepted and generally understood as existing in all things. In fact, it can be reasoned that this duality is a necessary component, in that, one thing cannot exist without its counterpart. It is the foundation that supersymmetry is based on. It is also the foundation behind our philosophical understanding of the universe and ourselves. In theology, it is also the primary theme.

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