Chapter 14

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(Ciel's  P.O.V)

"Sebastian, well, well, you finally got all of him, what are you gonna do now?" Claude stood there in the doorway. "Mother will be disappointed when she comes home and find out her son has a depressed boyfriend and had sex with him. Probably just to use him right? I know that you would do that."

Before anyone can process what was happening, Claude was on the ground, with a bruse covering his shoulder, from Sebastian punching him. "How dare you say that about my Ciel, don't you realize this? He didn't tell me but I know what you have done. Don't touch him." Sebastian picked him up from his shirt, slamming him into the wall across the hall, knowing I wouldn't want to see.

I heard a car pull up into the driveway. "I shouldn't have to tell you of all people. How long did you do it? I need answers now! You basta~." "Sebastian Michaelis set your brother down right now!" My eyes widened, before hearing  Claude be dropped to the ground. Sebastian simply walked back into the room, closing the door behind him. He came back over to me.

He cupped my face once more, with a look full of  worry. "Are you alright?" I went to respond, but there was another knock on the door. "Please open up Sebastian." His mother voice cracked, clearly showing  she was upset. "I'm fine, go talk to her." "I'm not leaving you alone with that bastard here, I'll get you some basketball shorts, then we can go together." I blushed fiantly as we quickly got me in his shorts, him carrying me to the door, with me a blushing mess. He opened the door.

"Yes mother?" She sighed. "I think this might be a topic that some relaxing tea might be called for. Come down stairs, I'll have tea for all off us." His mother turned  around walking down the hall.

"Are you ready?" Sebastian asked with a worried look. I nodded, before he took us down stairs where the tea was placed. He all sat down, Claude sitting next to Alice, Sebastian across the table from Claude, and Sebastian next to me. Sebastian just kept staring at  Claude, making sure he doesn't do anything.

"Sebastian, actually Ciel, do you know what happened between the boys?" Claude looked at me with a glare, so all I did is look down into my lap, not saying anything. Sebastian grabbed my hand, rubbing circles with his thumb over the top.

"Claude, how long?" Sebastian spoke softly, looking over to me. "What?" Alice looked confused. Sebastian  spoke up once more. "You better answer before I lose my temper." "I don't know what you are talking about, and even if I did, you couldn't do anything, you know that my father has complete control over the police stations in this state."

Sebastian growled. "So your allowed to rape my Ciel, and I can't do shit? I said how many fucking times, tell me now." He spoke with a normal tone, sending shivers down my spine. "Claude, answer now." Alice said calmly. "Zero." "Then Ciel, I will make sure nothing happens to you. If you can't remember how many times, can you at least tell me when it started?" Alice voice cracked.

I could feel Claude giving me a death glare, Sebastian wanting to punch his face in, and Alice almost crying. I nearly broke out in tears. "6th grade I think, possibly earlier since he is older." I instantly regretted doing so. I so fucked up.

Alice broke out in tears, as I started to cuddle into Sebastian's side, scared of what will happen. Sebastian held me tight, as my head rested against his heart, hearing every heartbeat.

"I'm sorry Ciel. Claude, your going with your father in the morning, better start packing, it's 3 am now." Alice stood up. "If you need me, I'll be in my room. Claude, if you ever go near Sebastian's room with Ciel here, I'll get the government involved. Goodnight." She walked off to her room.

Sebastian sat there, and Claude just had a smirk, staring at me. "You really are pathetic aren't you?" Claude chuckled. "Your willing to tell, even if me taking things for you." Sebastian interrupted. "He didn't tell me anything. I found out on my own. He wouldn't be crying if you weren't near him you bastard." "Please, please don't take him away." Tears started to fill my eyes as Sebastian held me closer. "He can't do anything to you, not now, not ever."

Claude chuckled deeply. "You are just as pathetic Sebastian. You know what I'm able to do."

Sebastian's face turned to huge horror. "You remembered, I thought you forgot." He started laughing insanely. "Sebastian, what did he do?" I asked instantly regretting hearing the next few words. "He killed my father."

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