Chapter 30

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(Ciel' s P.O.V)

Once we got in the parking lot, we parked and locked the car after getting out. We both walked hand in hand laughing at the conversation we had in the car. Slowly, we calmed down before getting to the enterance.

Sebastian opened the door for me, letting me walk in before him. I whispered thank you before Chara came up running over to hug me. "Oh my god Ciel where did you go? I got so lonely on my morning shifts!" He giggled a little. "Long story, but I'm back now." "Oh okay, should I go get Mr. Spears? He's been really worried about you." "It's alright, I got it, thank you Chara." She smiled brightly. "Alright, i gotta get back to work, good luck!" She ran back to her place. I giggled as Sebastian and I walked over to William's office.

Sebastian knocked on the door 3 times. "Come in Sebastian." William spoke through the door. I took a deep breath in as Sebastian opened the door. William's face lit up. "Ciel?!?" I blushed slightly. "I'm back.." I smiled as Sebastian rested a hand on my shoulder. "What happened? I know Sebastian's been sensitive to the subject." He paused. "Come, come have a seat." He motioned to the chairs in front of him. We went over and sat down.

"Alright, Mr. Spears, what all happened was that we had some stuff happened after work, till we left Sebastian's house, going on a road trip away, to me getting kidnap as Sebastian was getting us tea, and I was thrown in a mental hospital, found out Grell was the one to take me there, spend 2 months in there, and one of the people working there broke me out. So very long story." I grabbed Sebastian's hand tightly. "Woah..." "I have to find a way to make up school to soon." "Are you sure you can do both work and school?" "I've done it before, shouldn't be to much of a problem." William nodded. "I'll have it so you both have the same shift, to make it easier on both of you." "Thank you." Sebastian and I said at the same time. We all laughed a bit.

We soon all focused once more. "Alright, shall we have your first shift once again be in 3 days?" "I don't see why not." Sebastian responded next. "Just send me all work hours and I'll get them to work." "Thank you Sebastian. Now, Ciel, do you need another uniform? I can't remember if your aunt has yours or not." "I probably will need new ones." I laughed slightly. "Alright, I'll get some more for you for your next shift, welcome back to the team." William spoke softly. "Thank you." William smiled before having to answer a call, so Sebastian and I went back to the dinning area.

"Would you like to have lunch here Ciel?" I nodded. "Anything other than the slop at the mental hospital.." I laughed slightly as Chara got us a table, before she got another guest one. 

*time skip*

Sebastian soon finished his raviolis and I finished my pasta. "That was really good." "Indeed." He chuckled softly. "What would you like to do now?" I thought for a moment. "If it is gonna snow we should probably to a quick shopping trip." "Let's do that." Chars came by with the check, letting Sebastian pay before I can do anything.

"Shall we?" He extended his hand out to mine. "We shall." After Sebastian paid for the food, with me arguing to pay; we went out to the car hand in hand.

"Where do you wanna go first?" "Hmm.." I thought. "Maybe we go to the store first?" "Walmart or Target?"
"...""WalMart. They have my cookies." Sebastian laughed. "Okay, okay, let's go get your cookies and other food." I giggled a little smiling before we left to go to the store.

*Time skip*

Once we got to Walmart Sebastian got us a cart, having me sit in it. I laughed a bit smiling. "I'm 16 and I still get put in the cart?" "Yes, plus don't wanna let you be out of my sight, especially in the middle store." "Good point, that didn't work so well last time." Sebastian frowned a bit. "It's not your fault." Sebastian stayed quiet a moment. "I swear it wasn~." "Hello Basssyyyyy~!" The redhead practically screamed running over, having Sebastian move to the side, having him run into a nearby display of sugar cookies. Sebastian grabbed my hand afterwords. "Grell. You can leave. Get out of my site before I make you." "Oh what are you gonna do? A battle of can last longer in bed~?" "Ew. No. I know what you did. You don't need me to show you what happens to people that hurt me again right?" "No-o, I'll leave right now, bye Brat and Bassy~!" He ran out of the store.

"Pathetic. Shouldn't go after other people's partners. Next thing you know he'll work at work again." "About that..." "Wait he is?!?" "He's trying to apply again." "Stupid Redhead." All Sebastian could do was laugh. "What's so funny?" "The way you talk about the idiot." He slowly calms down. "Let's finish shopping, that way we can do whatever you would like." "I just want tea." Sebastian laughed. "Earl Grey? The Victorian style?" "Yes. It's slightly sweeter. Still want a bitter tea." Sebastian laughed a little bowing. "Yes my lord." We both laughed.  "Are we in the 1800's and I have my own butler?" We both laughed more, before finishing the rest of the shopping trip.

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