Chapter 23

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(Ciel's P.O.V.)

The small white room had a single doctors bed, with a few Ivs, a counter with medical supplies on top, and a small rolling chair next to it.

"It looks just like a doctors office." I looked around, although there was almost nothing to look at. "Yes indeed, I requested it for the people here." Undertaker smiled. "Oh yes, before I forget, I have this friend, she's going to come with me to work in a week for your transformation out of here. I also wanted to inform you that you get to have an hour at the phone today, requested as you seem to not be able to sleep well." He paused for a moment. "I also received a letter this morning from Sebastian to give to you." He took the letter out from under a few papers on his clipboard, that hid it perfectly.

He handed it to me. "He saw me at a tea shop not to far away from here, and he had a question for me, and we sat as he wrote out a letter for you." I smiled, opening or quickly, but being delicate to make sure not to rip the neatly folded paper. I held it to where I could see.

'To my dearest Ciel,

How are you my love? It's been so long, a month or more, maybe it just feels like that. I can't wait to see you, I promise I'll make a way to keep my brother away, I can't have my baby getting hurt.

My dearest Ciel, I love you so much. So much more than you'll ever know. I know we haven't been together long but that doesn't change the fact I love you.

I want to say much more but I would rather say them to you in person. My love, I'll see you soon.


I started to tear up.


Please don't cry my love, I promise I'll see you really soon. Undertaker said you have around an hour to talk today, I'll have my phone with me the whole day, even if I'm asleep, I'll answer. I love you. XoxoxoxoxO'

I closed the note holding it close to my heart, with a single tear falling down my face.

"Ciel, I just need to do a fee things then you can talk to him. I promise." I nodded slowly as he came over with a Iv, for a blood test, and did what a normal checkup would do.

An hour had went by as he finished, with me half asleep. "Ciel, stay awake if you wanna see Sebastian." I woke up enough to sit back up. "When can I do that?" "Right now actually, follow me."

I stood up quietly getting behind him.

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