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i woke up on time, due to my own violent coughing. it's another petal, i already know.

"i hate this." i mumbled as i reach for a tissue.

my health is getting worse, no matter what i do. thankfully my parents haven't noticed.

i started to get ready, still coughing into the tissue.

it's monday, which is such a great day to be coughing up roses.

i got up from bed and groaned. i'm not a morning person.

in record breaking time (not really), i was able to brush my teeth, freshen up, put on my uniform, and put the two new petals i have coughed up in the jar.

i heard my mom's booming voice. "nari, come downstairs! you might be late again, so you better eat breakfast now!"

oh no oh no. not detention with mr. choi again-

i grabbed my backpack and ran downstairs as if my life depended on it.

within a split second, my butt connected with a seat. i dropped my blue backpack on the floor.

"did i make it in time?" i said, panting hard.

my mom laughed and pushed a bowl of cereal in front of me. "early as can be." she grinned.

i practically inhaled that bowl of cereal.

my eyes gazed up to check the time on the stove.

"holy crap i'm gonna be late!" i shrieked and grabbed my backpack.

i forcefully slipped on my shoes before stepping out, of course saying goodbye to my mom as usual.

dad's probably still asleep in bed.
i wish i could do that.

school wasn't that far from my house, it was only a 3 minute walk to there.

"c'mon nari you can do this." i encouraged myself before taking a deep breath and running.

i'm not the most athletic person out there so it was a terrible experience running to school. my legs burned and felt like jelly on a toothpick by the time i reached the doors.

thankfully, they weren't locked yet so as a result, i was able to go inside.

there, i made my way towards my locker at the end of the hall. i swear that's the worst place to ever have a locker because it's so far away.

i made a turn into the hall where my locker is at, only to retreat and hide with my body pressed against the wall.

"i don't think this is working out." a feminine voice spoke out.

huh? this sounds like it's coming from a drama.

"what do you mean? i treat you well and we love each other, right?" a distressed deep voice replied.

i peeked out just a little bit and almost gasped.

but i didn't because that would blow my cover.

right in front my eyes was mingyu and jangmi.
and jangmi was breaking up with mingyu.

jangmi scoffed, "i don't think the 'we love each other part' is true. mingyu, you're just a little too boring for my taste."

"boring? why would you date someone boring?" mingyu sighed as he ran his hands though his hair in frustration.

"i don't know. why did i?" she replied with a disgusted look on her face.

wow, rude.

"anyway, it doesn't matter anymore because we're over. the end." jangmi stated and walked off, in my direction.

she's gonna see me she's gonna see me-
i held my breath and pressed myself against the wall anymore.

i watched her tun and walk away into a classroom, fortunately not noticing me.

i turned back to check on mingyu to see if he was okay.

i could tell that he was holding back tears and i felt bad for him.
why would anyone break his heart?
he's so sweet, funny, and has the best personality out there.

i let out a sigh and right after that, i felt a petal come up.

i started coughing really loudly, desperately to get some air. i could tell that this rose petal is a pretty big one.

my hands dug into my backpack, finding a tissue just in time. i coughed hard into it and out came the white petal that was speckled with red.

i threw the tissue into the small zipper pocket of the bag and wiped my mouth to make sure there was no blood left behind.

after that coughing fit, i suddenly hear footsteps.

they were getting closer and closer before stopping. that's when i saw mingyu the closest he's ever been to me.

and he looked uh, mad but sad?

"o-oh, sorry i was just passing by-" i fibbed, trying to slip past him. my heart was beating against my rib cage like crazy.

he stopped me. "you heard everything, right?"

i stared at him, not knowing what to say.

it's better to tell the truth. at least that's why my mother always says.

i slowly nodded, bracing for the possible yelling and shouting from here.

"can you help me?" mingyu asked.

my jaw hung open.

"what do you mean by tha-" i started.

"please help me, i don't think i could deal with anyone else right now. i heard you're nice and my friends wouldn't take me seriously."

"oh. but how could i uh, help?"

"please talk to me for the period, just one period. it'll help me take my mind off of that."

one period? i don't want to get more detention. i'm already late.

out of nowhere, i feel a hand wrap around my wrist and boom. i'm in the empty cafeteria.

mingyu sits down on the first table he sees. i sit across from him.

he gets comfortable, resting his head on his hand with a grin.

"so, tell me about yourself."

"i'm nari. kim nari."

"oh, kim nari? i'm kim mingyu." he let out a short chuckle.

i fiddle with my fingers under the table, obviously very anxious.

"i was born on april 6, 1997. you?" mingyu asks.

"may 16, 1997."

"aha. not too far away from mine. you don't talk much do you?"

i shook my head.

"nonono, i'm just nervous."

"about what?"

"nothing really."

mingyu looks as me with a raised brow, "what do you mean by that? that's impossible."

"no it's not, see? i'm doing it now."

"psh. yeah, alright." he crossed his arms and looked away, pretending to be annoyed.

unconsciously, the corners of my lips start to curl up into a small smile.

the bell rings, marking the end of first period.

he gets up from the seat, smiling.

"well, it's nice meeting you. thanks, i enjoyed our very short chat. by the way, you look nicer like that. i mean with a smile on your face." mingyu pat my head.

immediately, i start to feel my cheeks heating up.

i laughed nervously. "yeah okay i gotta go now bye." i said as fast as i can before running away, not looking back.

i have evolved from nari to tomato face.

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