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What should I do? I asked myself as I stared at the piece of paper on my hands, which had her name and her number.

Quite frankly I was shocked to see her leaving me her phone number, I thought that maybe after the night ended I wasn't going to ever speak or see her again.

This was my very first time interacting with a girl, or an actual girl that has my interest at all, and I was very much nervous. This was all new to me, the talking to a stranger, trying to get to know them, build a relationship, and possibly grow with that person near the future.

In fact, I am bad at this because of my social anxiety; which prevents me from being in a relationship, getting to know people, or simply talking in front of a large crow. It's like a huge battle that I'm trying to fight with everyday, one step into fight it, it's by trying to get in a relationship.

Now here I am, with a piece of paper in my hand, debating if should hit her or not. My mind was going around, imaging different scenarios of what could happen if I decide to call, but it was leaning more to the negative side.

Should I? I kept thinking, as I observed her hand writing. Should I take the first step? I honestly didn't want an opportunity like this go, so I decided to settle for texting her. Texting her was far for more better than trying to call her, I didn't want to say something stupid, or make her hear how nervous I am.

Hey, I'm the girl from last night.

I quickly exit the conversation, then deleted the message tab, locked my phone, and hid my face in my pillow; pretending that I never messaged her. I was tormenting myself, by thinking that maybe that message I sent her was pretty bad.

Five minutes have passed when I felt my phone ring, meaning either two things, one my mother message me, or two she texted me back.

Oh hey, I was wondering why haven't you hit me up yet :)

I won't lie, and say I wasn't nervous.

Then I paused, and looked at the message I send. Should I have sent that? What if she thinks I'm weird or something?

You're so cute.

I looked up from my screen feeling my face growing hot at the compliment she threw at me. It was like she was right in front of me complementing me, which made me even more flushed at the thought.

After a few minutes of me just trying to come up with something to say, I saw the little grey bubble put up, meaning she was typing; making bite my lip as I waited for her text.

What's your name cutie?

I decided to ignore that she called me cutie, because I felt like I was going to explode. It was like she was doing this on purpose.

Zöe, yours?

Wow you have such a beautiful name, while mine is so basic lol. I'm Lisa.

I like that name, reminds me of the Simpsons.

After that she didn't respond for a while, my message just lay there on delivered. It made me nervous thinking that I said something bad. Did she get that respond often? What if she hates me now for that?

I want to see you again cutie.

Complete dismissing my comparison of her to Lisa from the Simpson, she jumps straight in to the meeting part. I was beyond nervous. I thought that maybe we could have text for a while, and then get into the meeting part, but I guess she has different thoughts.

I guess, where?

Let's meet up at the same place last night.

I frown as I think about last night. I didn't like that she wanted to go there, because she was there with that guy. Now that I think about it, wasn't she on a date with a guy? So why is she showing so much interest in me?

Um, I don't mean to sound rude...but didn't you went on a date with that guy there?

Zeke? Oh god no. That's my best friend.

I quickly lock my phone from the embarrassment. I can't believe I quickly jumped to conclusions, but it was hard not to, by just looking at the way she was with him. I unlock my phone, and quickly typed an apology.

I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions.

Don't worry, let's meet up tomorrow?

Yeah I love to.

With that our conversation ended, I wanted to get to know her a little bit more, but I guess I'll find out when we go meet up.

Now that I think about it, it still hasn't dawn on me that I was going on a date with a girl, well if could really call it a date, I won't lie and say that I wasn't shaking a little bit.  I was scared at the fact that I didn't know how the date is going to be, which made me anxious, it either can be one of the best date I've ever gone to, or it can be one of the most horrible dates ever.

I know it sounds quite dramatic to think about things like this, but I can't help but just feel tense. I've never done things like this with anyone, specially a girl. Hell, I was just out to my friends, and haven't even talked to my parents about that, so you can say I was half away out. Quickly clearing my thoughts, I sigh and lay back down the bed, and I closed my eyes.

I hope this date goes well, I thought.


Sorry for the crappy chapter. Still hoping you guys like this chapter.

I'm still deciding it should make it a normal story, or just leave it as a short story?

Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

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