The start of school

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Madi POV-

I was at surf training looking all over for that someone and there he was! Tom! My dream boy! I wanted him so bad but it was no use...EVERYONE LIKED HIM!


"Hi guys" Emma screamed as i walked into the locker room

"Hey" I said in reply.

I unpacked my locker and got my computer out of its case. I logged on and typed up Love Calcuator. I didn't think it would be much if i typed up my name with other peoples crushes. I only had eyes for one person! I got 95.5 with Tom but i didn't know whether he felt the same. I had just typed up Madison Stewart and Cameron Dallas when my friend Emma came round and saw!

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING! I LIKE HIM MORE THAN.....oh you are just seeing what you would get! OOPS!" she said.


Emma POV-

Today when i got to school i bought dance tickets for everyone right away! I knew this was going to be a good dance since it was going to have BOYS! We attended Saint O'briens college for girls so we never got to see boys witch was soooo sad! Everyone was soo happy i got them a dance ticket i was so proud of myself! I was a bit sad since i did a love calculater and only got 20 percent with Cameron but Madi S got 100! I knew it was nothing but couldn't help wondering if it was true! Madi I was angry that Madi S got 100 to since she practically LOVES HIM! I mean i love two guys Dylan and Cameron!

At lunch we talked about how cool it would be if our dream crushes came to surprise us! I know who everyone likes so i will share it. Ella likes Alexander. Madi I likes Cameron. Madi S likes a guy called Tom (??). Mackenzie likes Mack. And i like Cameron and Dylan! We also talked about what we were going to wear. I was going to wear a fluro pink wig with a fluro pink wedding dress with fluro pink tights and fluro pink socks and sandels! I know it was a bit under dressed for such a beautiful dance but i knew it was soon to be the new trend! Madi S was going to be wearing a fluro yellow of what i was wearing and Mackenzie a fluro orange. Alex was dressing up as a bumble bee and Madi I was dressing up as a fish. Ella was going normally and Abbey was dressing up as a....wait for it......DODO BIRD!!!

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