1. "But he wouldn't give up."

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"As we are all different from each other, everyone has their different ways of dealing with their problems.

The worst is when people don't understand that you need space and time to get your mind together and heal; and then they end up giving up on you, they simply stop talking  and somehow end up forgetting you. Your mind starts to over think if you did something wrong, if it was your fault; when in reality you have all the right to need some space for yourself, to get better."

Happily for Leah, Michael stayed. Sure she had another friend or two; they talked and sometimes they spent some time together, but she didn't trust them her secrets, feelings or personal stories. She only trusted Michael.

Michael stood by her side every time, even when she tried to push him away. He never gave up on her. This way he is the only person who knows her, every detail, every fear and every secret. He knows all of her; so he is her best friend and the only person she didn't shut down.

College gives you the opportunity of going to another city to study and start your independency. You meet new people and new places.

But it doesn't make your past or your problems disappear.

So now she was living with Michael in a small apartment that was enough for both of them. Luckily they wanted and got accepted to the same university so they wouldn't have to go through this new chapter of their lives alone.

And as time flew by, both of them met new people.

Michael quickly started hanging out with three boys from his class and they happened to be not so bad. Although she rarely hang out with them. So every friday it started to be normal when their apartment was full with four hormonal college boys and a quiet girl.

Being hormonal guys, wherever she was in the same space as them some flirty comments left their mouths, but they quickly stopped once they saw her emotionless face. But one of the kids didn't stop and he surely knew how to piss her of. That blonde asshole loved to tease and do everything for her to explode or get a reaction from her. The next two years consisted in him being an asshole and trying to break her walls down. 

They fought, he flirted and she always answered him with sarcastic things, doing everything she could to make him shut up. He tried to get to know her, but he knew deep down in his mind that it was an almost impossible thing to do. She wasn't playing hard to get, she just didn't know if he was worth her trust. He started taking a liking at the quiet and mysterious girl that would almost ignore his every attempt to even talk to her.

But he wouldn't give up.

Don't shut me down ● Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now