5. "Thank you."

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Between a lot of begging and yelling, Michael had somehow convinced Leah to go with him and the guys to a festival that was happening near our university. The one they were talking about the day she found Luke had feelings for her. The ride to the festival was hard due to the constant looks Luke was sending her way; she could feel his eyes burning her skin.

When they got there they parked and spent the first half hour watching a band she didn't know. After listening to some of their songs she left the boys and started walking with no destination. She needed some space and had a lot in her mind. Walking around alone she heard a voice she recognized. 

Getting closer to a big group of people that surrounded a stage, she recognized Sleeping With Sirens playing. Being one of her favorite bands, Kellin Quinn's voice was familiar to her, so she stood at the end of the crowd enjoying the show and savoring every word that fell from Kellin's lips. Some songs later someone bumped against her shoulder and she quickly looked at the girl that almost fell to the ground.

"Owh, are you okay?" Leah asked, grabbing her arm so the girl didn't lose balance.

"Yeah, I'm just a clumsy idiot." She laughed. "I'm sorry."

"Not a problem, you didn't hurt me at all." Leah smiled back at her.

"Good. Well, enjoy the show." She smiled and kept going to the middle of the crowd. Looking around her, Leah's smile fell from her face when she saw that Luke was standing a little behind her. What was he doing here? Maybe he liked the band too. She turned around to the stage and kept looking forward, not daring to look at him again. She just had to focus on the music.

Almost close to the end of the concert Kellin spoke to the crowd again. "I'm feeling some old songs, what do you guys think?" Everyone cheered and he smiled at the excitement of his fans. The band started playing some old songs and some of them made her think about her life recently. He didn't seem to leave her mind.

"I've been thinking latelyAbout you and me
And all the questions left unanswered
How it all could be
And I hope you know
You never left my head
And if I ever let you down
I'm sorry."

Looking to her right side she saw Luke already looking at her with a lazy smile on his face, a couple of feet away; like the music was speaking for himself too. She looked down to her feet feeling all at once; feeling regret for pushing away someone who tried so hard to be with her, someone who never gave up on her and who she could trust. It was at moments like this that she hated how her anxiety stopped her from living her life, for taking risks. 

She felt a presence next to her and when she looked up she saw that beautiful face that belonged to the boy that was always on her mind. He looked so peaceful like nothing was crossing his mind in that exact moment. Slightly moving from one side to the other at the sound of the music, his face facing the stage and eyes closed, savoring the song. And she couldn't look at anything else other than the one she wanted the most. Him.

"As the sun falls down I can feel the airAs I watch the breeze kissing your skinBreathe it inI never want this night to endRight now I feel completeThe way the light flashes in your eyesWhen you're with meI feel I'm who I'm meant to beAnd it's the way it goesYou brought up love and never got that closeBut when you find the thing that matters mostMay you never let it go"

And Kellin was right; she couldn't let him go. So after a long time of avoiding her feelings towards the blonde boy, she was brave enough to tip toe and grab Luke's face between her hands, kissing him with all the passion she had for him. Surely he was surprised at first, but after realizing that the girl he loved was kissing him, he finally kissed her back with as much passion. After that affection that clearly showed how much they loved each other, he broke the kiss and held her hands in his.

"Where did this come from?" He smiled, looking at the girl that was staring at the floor blushing.

"I'm getting sick of being a ghost. No one can hurt me, but no one will love me either." She finally admitted.

"You were never a ghost to me. You had my attention since day one." He said lifting her head to look in his eyes. "And I've loved you since a long time ago." He smiled and pressed a soft kiss in her lips.

"Thank you, Luke." She looked serious.

"For what?" He wrapped his arms around her waist.

"For never giving up on me." She smiled kissing him again; never getting enough of his touch.

"Thank you, Leah." His smile was so beautiful that it could light up the whole world.

"For what?" She copied him, smiling.

"For not shutting me down anymore." He planted a kiss on her temple and held her in his arms like she was the most precious thing he ever had. And he always made her feel like that, so special. He made her laugh and love again. He healed her.

Don't shut me down ● Luke HemmingsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz