Chapter 4~Con

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Today went rather well then what i thought it was going to be like. They made me do a short test and used that to determine what class i go in, when the person came back with the results i had full marks they said so i suggested if i could be in J's class and the person said why not and took me there.

Casually the woman opened the door leading to J's classroom, as it opened it creaked making it obvious we were there and everyone's eyes was on me. This was all just deja vu to me so is was to easy handle. The teacher got me to introduce myself so i stayed collective and did so, people looked at me like i didn't care i was new and honestly i could not care i am here to a job and that's it.

The day went extraordinarily well then what i thought it would be, but this morning i could not stop thinking about the fact that J might actually know about our world and he doesn't know its real but what if he finds out. What will he do?

Me and J were both sat in his room, i was reading a book i got from the library when J and his friends showed me there and he was on something he called a laptop.

Jekyll-"Lucky we didn't get stuck with homework, that would of ruined a perfect day."

He started laughing to himself and i was slightly confused but went with it.

Con-"Urm yes."

Should i be wary of him or not, for the time i have known him he has been nothing but kind and concerned for others but... there is something inside of him that is powerful and dangerous i felt that its was not a fluke even he said that he ' felt something strange'. What really is J?

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