Chapter 2: It's Starting....

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Ruby's P.O.V.

I woke up in cold sweat, sitting up lightly with my elbow propped up and my other hand holding my head as I felt a strong wave of pain hit my head.

"Ugh..." I groaned in pain, silently as to not wake up the sleeping beauty beside me. I grabbed her hand around me and carefully placed it by her side so I can stand up.

I bent down and gently kissed my princess' forehead as I saw her smile gently which made my heart flutter. I looked at the other two and saw them sleeping soundly on their sleeping bags.

I went inside the bathroom in the room and opened the lights and sighed in relief to see that they at least have the sense of hospitality of not covering the bathroom with cushions.

I hate this room, it makes me feel like I'm some crazy person, but I guess that is the case.

It's not like it's not the first time I've been through this......

I opened the faucet on the sink and splashed the cold water to my face, completely waking me up. I took a look at my face in the mirror and sighed in relief to see that I'm not that bad, just a couple of bags under my eye. But that's from studying so much.....

My mouth tugged upward at the memory of my Snow Angel always scolding me for not studying enough and being childish, though I couldn't take her seriously especially when she looks so cute when she's angry.

My smile faded and my heart started to ache as my whole body shook in fear as I remembered the nightmare I had.

It's starting.......

In my nightmare, I met him again.


- During the Nightmare -

I found myself standing on a rather familiar place.

I was standing on a forest sorrounded with trees of different color, though it look like the colors were cut in half seeing as I was in a circle shaped clearing in the middle of the forest. So on my half are Red trees...

On the other side of the forest were Blue trees and in the middle that collides the two are purple trees.

I knew this place too well, so I waited for the arrival of her 'company'.

Minutes passed and soon a flash of black and blue appeared on the other side and out came my companion......

It looks the opposite of me finally came.....

It was a male: Spiky dark blue hair with white streaks on it, his eyes was white sorrounding the empty black iris and he has pale white skin. He wore a long unzipped, white sleeveless coat with the rims of dark blue, underneath it was a blue vest with some white patterns, wearing a pair of dark blue fingerless gloves with some straps on it  paired with white pants with light blue swirls on it tucked inside a pair of dark and light blue combat boots with the hard part of it completely painted white and to top it all off, he wore a similar cloak like mine but only in a dark blue color. He also has a perfect replica of Crescent Rose strapped on his back only in dark blue.

"Hello Ruby, it's been a while hasn't it?" He smirked as he placed his hands behind him.

He's the complete opposite of me, from our looks until our personalities. If I'm childish, immature and can be rarely seen angry or serious, well he's always prim and proper and a little bit hot-headed, kinda like Weiss.

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