My Decision

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Halo everyone, I would like to say: A HUGE TREMENDOUS THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU!!

All of your positive feedbacks really warmed my heart and steeled my decision. But it was @BlewNeko that really got me thinking and really think my plan through, and I came up a decision in which I think both parties will benefit.

I will start another book, still about this one but COMPLETELY Revised. So meaning, I will start from square one, grab my notebook and start making a REAL plot.

Hopefully that one will be better than this...

And I'll start writing on my laptop because I work best on that instead of my phone.

Take note that on that book, my writing style has dramatically improved after half a year of reading whiterose XD Seriously tho, no joke.

And as my way of saying thank you, I'm gonna publish one last chapter to this book. It still follows the story but Imma publish coz it has a lot of fluff, to them who want some sweet Whiterose moment.

Coz I know I do...

Anyway, this is all for now peeps, stay tuned until I finally publish the revised one if you guys really wanna read the not crappy version.

Thank you all for staying with this book after seven months and even though I suck in making a real plot.

Last chappie will be up in a few hours cause me family are about to go to the mall, but imma finish writing it on the trip.

Ciao Long!

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