Continue Le Fic?

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Ola everyone! And pls, put down your pitchforks.

Okay I know that it has almost been seven months since I decided to get up and leave. To quit this book since this was pretty much just a very random idea I came up with, hence, it has no real plot whatsoever.

I mean I kinda already forgot the freaking improvised that I had in mind for freak's sake.

I left the writing world since I realized that no one really even reads my works, except for you peeps that are actually  taking the time to read my works, and so I got lazy and tired of it.

Then I came back to this book after all this time and realized, "It feels like a dick move to just leave my story like that to those people who are actually enjoying this trash". So i started writing again.

But it has been so long that I started to doubt if anyone is still gonna read this.

So I'm here, asking for your advice: Should I continue this story? Or just quit it properly this time?

Pls be honest coz I don't wanna put effort and dedicate myself to something that no one will even read in the first place.

See ya all soon!

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