Guess who's back...

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Darkfire: Luna, please. Let me come back...
Luna: I'm sorry, no. You can't come back. Amber would tear you apart, not to mention Blueberry, Swap, Edgy, and basically everyone else in the house. You can't.  I'm sorry, Ada. You wouldn't last a day. Besides, how am I supposed to know that what you say is true? Have you really changed your ways?
*Darkfire makes an exasperated sound, throwing his arms into the air.*
Dark: Juli, listen-
Luna: My name isn't Julina anymore! I changed it ever since the accident at the lab.
Dark: please, listen to me! Give me another chance! I'll do anything!! I want another chance with him...please.
Luna: can come back. Just don't do anything crazy. They already don't trust you as it is.
Dark: thank you, little one! *he wraps her in a hug, squeezing her*
Luna: Ada, I can't....breath...
Dark: oh, sorry. *he sets her down*my apologies, young one.

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