Swap: How much do you love Amber?

91 2 38

Swap: *he smiles* enough to ask her to marry me. I'd move mountains, slay dragons, fight gods, and die a million times over before I'd see her get hurt. I love her more than I did Lina, and that's saying something. I would do anything she asked me to, if it was necessary. I would kill for her, I'd do anything for her. I love her so much it hurts. It hurts when she cries, and if someone so much as lays a finger on her, I'll kill- no, that's putting it too lightly. How about this. All that would be left of them is a scorch mark. I'd die before I would see her get hurt. I would walk to the ends of the earth for her. I would jump in front of a train for her. Love...no. This is so much more. Love goes to a certain extent. This is...one soul in two bodies. That's how much I love her. She's my other half. I'd be lost without her. I hope that answers your question.

Asker asks: Swap, if you could change any event in the past, what would it be? Why?

Swap: Our trip to the Darkness realm, for obvious reasons. One, it hurt like a bitch being tortured, but it hurt more when I heard Amber screaming my name during the battle. It hurt when I realized that she would have to fight Dark alone. It hurt watching him beat her. If I hadn't supported her with my DETERMINATION, she wouldn't be here. And it hurts knowing that. Next question.

Asker asks: Swap, Lina or Amber?

Swap: Get out. *he grabs the asker and throws them out of the bar and into a snow drift*

Asker: Swap, is what Blue says true? Do you have a human form?

Swap: *he looks at the asker confused* WHO told you that? Blue? Well, he's right. I do have a human form. As a matter of fact, we ALL do. Except for Sans, maybe. I never use it though. It always leaves me bone tired after I use it. But here's a picture of it. *he pulls a picture out of his pocket* here ya go, kid.

Asker asks: Swap, how old are you?

Swap: *he snorts into his cup* oh god, that's the LAST question I expected to come from you. I'm 25, 26 in December. The 30th, actually. I'm the second oldest here, G being the first. He's...what...29? Yeah. 29. Blue is the youngest, at about 12. Surprising, I know. We just celebrated his birthday two days ago, actually. Boy. That was fun. First time he has alcohol. It was REALLY entertaining watching him run into walls. Who knew he'd get drunk off of wine after just a sip.

Multiple people ask: what did the ring look like?

Swap: well, it was an emerald, and the setting was a dragon holding it's tail in its mouth. The cut was a princess emerald. I wanted a diamond in the center, but that would've taken longer.

MORE people ask: Are you planning on starting a family?

Swap: *he turns dark orange* well, uh...yeah. We've actually got one on the way.

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