food and friend

58 6 25

okay, so the past few weeks i've noticed that i subconsciously try to avoid feeling hungry. it's just that basically any food gives me massive cramps at the moment and i don't like that. so i try to eat as little as possible. it's annoying, because i start to ignore the fact that i should eat, and then my stomach starts growling at inappropriate times. it really bugs me.

also, there's this one dude that i've been friends with for ages, (i might have mentioned him a few chapters ago, i'm not sure) who really helped me calm down after my bike was stolen. and i absolutely love talking to him. i don't think i ever met a human before who listened to my extremely boring stories with that much dedication or whatever. and that makes me really happy, because i talk a lot and so many people tell me to shut up and i just do, because i feel so uncomfortable whenever someone comments on the fact that i just never stop talking.

it's really nice to be around a person like that for a change. plus, he's like the only one who doesn't judge me because i never watched harry potter. and instead of saying "we're gonna watch it some other time." he made me watch the first two movies with him and it was great.

i always tend to be uncomfortable around people, but it's so calming to know that i'm not being judged and that i'm not being made fun of at all.

i also hope that this guy in my class turns out to be like that, too, because i really need more irl friends i can just talk to without holding back. that would be nice.

it just makes me really happy and i'm in a really good mood when i think about just being able to talk about how nice the stars look or something, and to actually talk about that with someone who can be right next to me. that's the only thing i hate about online friends, tbh.

i'm just gonna leave this here.

i hope everyone finds a person like that in their lives. it's so important to be listened to, no matter what.

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