i want to sleep

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legit, i just want to sleep right now.

i've been perfectly fine until the weather changed hella sudden earlier and now i have a headache again and i don't want to move.

it's awful and it's killing me and i'm so angry at myself for being so easily affected by the weather and angry at the weather for being such a piece of shit, because i have driving school in 1.5 hours and i actually wanted to go, but now i'm not sure if i want to go anymore.

also, i'm kinda feeling awful in general today, because my german teacher gives me intense anxiety and that really wears me out and i've been kinda down since i woke up anyway and i'm really aggressive today. like, i'm making snarky remarks and shit, but i actually want to punch someone.

but at the same time i just want to curl up in my bed and cuddle someone.


i am kind of overwhelmed, because this dude messaged me on facebook a few days ago and today he said he kinda likes me and i'm really confused, because i'm an actual piece of shit and an asshole. and i just ?????? tf you mean you like me? can he not, because i feel very awkward when people like me and i don't like them like that.

i am a very confused and tired bean.

ricarda vs the worldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora