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Mangles POV

As He and I walked along the pizzarea, we told one another what we look for in a love interest.
He said,"I want them to be...cheerful, like, I'm the dark and quite one, I want them to be loud and happy."
I smiled,"So basically your opposite?"
He smirked,"Yeah pretty much."

We were about to open the door that lead out side when I heard Simone wisper,"Whore."
I turned, no one was there.
Springtrap asked,"Somghing wrong?"
I said,"I thought I heard someone."
He said,"You may have heard the others talking."
I nodded,"Yeah,maybe."
I took in step outside,with the door still open I heard a wisper again,"Mangle is a whore."
Springtrap quickly spun around,"Who said that?!"
From behind a door Chichi(Toy Chica) stepped out, she giggled,"Whore!"
I asked,"Why did you call me that?"
She said,"Well, you liked Toy Freddy, and now your dating Springtrap!"
I screamed,"We're not date--"
Springtrap put his hand over my mouth,"She may have liked him, but you have no reason to be saying that. You see, she didn't date him. So my GIRLFRIEND has no reason to be called a whore."
I thought is he being serious? Or just protecting me?
He continued,"You are the on who is a whore! You tried to kill your own sister,"

(IN MY Foica fanfic!")

"Twice. You also, dated Foxy, and you still do, clearly your the whore, Chichi."

Springtrap grabbed my hand and pulled me outside.
My face was red as I asked,"About the whole ,Girl friend thing, was that...true?"
He turned pink, OmG this guy can blush!
He said,"N-no! We're not da-dating! I was just trying to protect you!"
I smiled,"Oh ok! Good! No offense!"
We kept walking, hoping to find more animatronics, I looked up at him his face was still pink. I realized something, we were still holding hands!!!!!!😱
I shivered at the thought of this even tough it was real, but at the same time I wanted to keep holding his hand. So I didn't say anything.
A big gust of wind came in. My gradient whit and pink hair flew in my face, the breeze felt nice, as my hand was still warm.
Springtrap stopped walking and said,"Mangle.."
I blushed,"Ye-Yes?!" Omg,omg,OMG!
He said," let go of my hand?"


"Uhh, yeah sure! Sorry!"
He said,"It's fine! Really!"
We kept walking for a few steps, till he grabbed my hand again.
He's face was red,"Let's keep holding hands just awhile longer."
My pale face went pink, he looked down at me when our eyes meet my heart flutterd.
He said,"You okay with that?"
I nodded,"Yes, I don't mind."

This is Springtrap, a friend one I thought would NEVER have stronger feelings for ANYONE. But, still, the thought of him doing it, having stronger feeling for anyone-me. Made my stomach feel odd. Hes eyes sparkled
I can't have feelings for him! We're just--Ohhh I just can't deny it! But I can't tell him that I may or maynot be falling for him. He may just feel the warmth on his hand too and may like it. That's all. We're just freinds. That's all we are! That's all we will ever be.
Damn...why now? Why me? Why did the FIRST person to like him have to be me? I always thought we'd just be friends. I'd bug him he's so how shut me up.
He said,"I can't wait, till we find our soul mates. I won't hold your hand I'll hold the one I'm meant to be with!"
Why? Why can't you see? That it may be me.
(My rhyming skillz! XD)
Okay,well it MAY BE me. I dunno geo to feel.
I may think I like him because of the warmth of our two hands.
I dunno, it maybe I can't wait for romance.

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