Any world at all. (OVA)

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OVAS are a little something extra. In a different world or if something didn't happen. In this one, it's if Springtrap never confessed to Mangle that he loved her. Will it end good, bad or, sad?

Mangles POV

   Me and him, sat on a bench, he looked up at the sky,"Wow...I can't wait to find the right girl."
   I thought,'There's one right here.'
I replied,"same here, can't wait to find the right one."
  He said,"Well, I'm going back out,Think you can wait here?"
I nodded,"Yeah."

Time skip! Brought to you

  Two months later.

Springtrap found a nice girl named,Annie.
I can't bare this, all he talks about is "Annie Annie Annie!"
   I feel like life is-no, has no meaning, anymore at least. I always thought he liked me,guess I was wrong.
  I should of told him. But now,he looks so happy.

I knocked at a door, The operator of us, John,"Hello,I have a favor."
He opened and smiled,"Hi Mangle,what can I do for you?"
I said,"Shut me off."
He said,"Wait-What?"
I said,"I mean it."
He said,"If that is what you want, I was told if an animatronic wants to be shut off they can be ."
I laid in the table as he opened my head and said,"It'll take a while."

Springtraps POV

She yelled,"I can't believe you! You like another girl?!"
I said,"Calm down! Yes I do! I had to tell you,that I love Mangle."
She yelled again,"Oh! So now you LOVE her?!"
I said,"Babe,please calm down!"
She yelled,"No!! We're done!!"
She stormed out,I sighed.
Foxy said,"You having a bad day too huh?"
I nodded,"Yeah, what's wrong with you?"
Foxy said,"You didn't know? Mangle is getting her self shut off."
I stood I shock,"What?"
Foxy said,"Yeah right now--"
I yelled,"Mangle!!"
I ran as fast as I could, I needed to tell her than maybe, she'll stay.
I slammed the door open, I saw her with John working on her looking sad.
I said,"Stop!"
He asked,"What do you want?"
I grabbed Mangles hand like I always did.
John said,"If you wanted her back its too late,she is gone."
I spoke trough the tears,"Bring her back."
John shook his head,"I can't, only if she wants me too, like if she told me before she wants back after being shut off,I can but--"
I grabbed his shirt,"After I tell her something,she's gunna wanna stay."
He said,"Fine have it your way!"

Her eyes opened,"Wha? I thought that--"
I hugged her,"Mangle!! Don't ever do crazy shit again!"
Mangle said,"Springtrap?"
I yelled,"Don't you dare ever leave me okay?"
She giggled,"I thought you wouldn't care."
I looked at her out eyes locked,"I would."
   I didn't have control of my body, I leaned in closer, and closed my eyes as my lips touched hers. When they did I felt her shiver.
  When we separated, She asked,"What the hell? What about Annie?"
I said,"F her."
Sorry if yo name is Annie! Think of it as Donna or Sammie!
She giggled,"Soo, you like me?"
I blushed,"Yeah so?"
She giggled again,"I knew it!"
I said one more time,"Don't you dare ever do crazy shit like that again!"
She said,"I won't, as long as I have you."
I hugged her, as John said,"Aww...happy end!"

Boredom!!!!! Is real!!!
Also do you want pizza? If so sorry I can't give you any, I ate it all. ;-;

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