Trying dating out... And more,

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Mangles POV.

Boy after boy after boy. We've been at this for days!
I don't want to continue! I want to stop and just wait for the time to come..
Springtrap is on a date right now with a girl name Kate,
( Kate is a friend of mine and were in a little fight! Haha Kate, your gunna be annoying! >:))
I wonder how he's doing...

Springtraps POV
I asked,"Sooo...what shows do you like?"
She said,"Anime."
I looked around,"This place is packed,right?"
She said,"Do you like food?"
What kind of question is that?!
I said,"umm..yeah."
She said,"I like pizza, pasta, meat, hot dogs,..."
I zoned out.. This girl is BEYOND annoying. She makes Mangle seem quite.
She yelled,"HEY!! We should totally take a pic together!!!"
I said,"we really shouldn't!"
She said,"Your awful at sarcasm!!"
I'm not be sarcastic!!!!!
I said,"Look I'm done here! You talk WAY to much!!!"
I left and slammed the door. Mangle sat on a bench near the café we were at.
I said,"Keep ya waiting long?"
She shook her head,"No, not at all! I'm fussing it didn't go well, huh?"
I said,"Yeah...she wasn't my type."
She looked down and said,"Hey, umm..."
She froze and didn't speak.
"What is it?" I asked.
She said,"Umm........."
"C'mon say it!" I laughed.
I noticed her face was redder than before.
Does she LIKE me?!
She said,"Never mind! I forgot!"
I sighed,"Mangle, you were gunna say so say it!"
She said,"No, never mind! It's dumb anyway!"
"It can't be dumber than that girl,Kate!"
She said,"I don't know how to say this..."
I said,"Okay, let's find somewhere private to talk."
She said,"Is the pizzarea ok?"
I nodded,"Yeah."
As we walked back, I could help but think,was she gunna say she liked me? Or what?
I reached for her hand, then stopped. I put my hand back to my side. She likes me as a friend that's all. She can't and doesn't know that for a LONG time I've liked her. I keep my feelings hidden so no one would get hurt.

Time skip brought to you by, Pizza Hut! 🍕🍕🍕

We sat on the stage, she said,"I've been in denial of this for a long time but...I"
She reached for my hand, I felt warm on my face,"I--"
"Mangle!!!!" Foxy yelled.
He yelled,"We're the heck were you!!?? No one knew were you were!!! I got so worried!!"
She said,"Sorry I should've told you, I stepped out for a while!"
Foxy said,"Next time tell me before you do. Well I gotta go, gotta help Chica with Jamie."
He ran off.
Mangle said,"Forget it..." As a tear ran down her face,"Forget what I said okay?"
I said,"No! Tell me! Or else you'll regret it!"
She looked at me, and wiped her tears,"I guess your right. I guess i can tell you."
I nodded,"ANYTHING just tell me and I'll listen!"
She grabbed my hand and said,"For a long time I wanted romance then I realized it was you who I needed."
I said,"Mangle, what are you--?"
She yelled,"I love you!"
I froze in shock. She got up, let go off my hand and took a few steps before I grabbed her.
I said,"Mangle...I think you know what I'll say."
She sniffed,"No, not a clue."
I said with my heart pounding,"I--I love you too. More than anything. More than the air I breath."
She gasped and turned to face me, she wrapped her arms around my neck and burned her head in my chest,crying. I hugged her back.
She asked,"-Do you mean it..?"
I nodded,"Yes, of course. I love you,Mangle."
She looked up at me and stroked my check. As our faces got closer I knew what was happening.
She closed her eyes as I did with mine. Until our lips touched. When they did I felt warm. I never felt this way before.
When we stopped she said,"Well, are we you know,dating?"
I said,"Of course!" And kissed her again.

Mangle my life belongs to you and only you.

Des is NOT the end!!!

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