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The middle of a gobstopper, I wonder how many people actually get to the middle of a giant gobstopper. All that determination just to get to the middle of a gobstopper. It makes me wonder how many people actually make it. Once you've got to the middle what do you do finish it or throw it away. Sometimes other sweets distract us so we give up on the gobstopper. Some people think it's too much effort to finish the gobstopper so once they get to the middle they throw it away and eat something different, something smaller or something that makes everything easy as after a bit of chewing you've finished it. So what kind of person are you? Do you persevere till the end and finish you gobstopper? Do you give up and throw it away once you have got to the middle? Or is it that you're the type that gets distracted by other sweets leaving you gobstopper out till it becomes mouldy forcing you to throw it away?

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