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The brain. The lump of tissue that we literally cannot live without. It holds: memories, emotions, thoughts, dreams. Without it all we would be is nothing but a cold, lifeless body with no meaning or purpose.

The stomach. It breaks down all the food we may or may not regret eating. Food that could be either our saviour or lead to our death.

The reproductive system. Provider of life. The magical system that creates life, that has the ability to create a human, who could change the world for the best/worst.

Lungs. Helping us to breathe the lungs work all day (night too) to keep us inhaling oxygen that flows all throughout our bodies, thanks to the heart.

Moreover, the heart. Keeping our blood pumping and oxygen flowing, it is a vital part of our organ system.

What do these organs have in common? For one, they are all vital parts of the body that work together in a system (the organ system) to keep us breathing. Secondly, they are all on the inside meaning they are to be protected. With our; skeleton, muscles and skin protecting them, they are safe yet fragile. We need to take care of our insides and keep them safe, so don't neglect them; you may regret it in later life.

Authors Notes- My internet is working again! I don't know what was happening yesterday, but it's fine now. Sorry that this is late. aestheticbaekhyun

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