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"Luhan please, don't leave!"

"I-i have to, I can't do this anymore!"

Both in tears at this point, Luhan struggling to tear his arm out of his lover's firm grip, each wanting different things, they stood outside the dorm in the parking lot. Luhan attempting to release the tight hold Sehun has on him, while Sehun was pleading the latter to stay. Sehun was in a state of confusion, he was scared of being alone. Feeling rather melancholic his emotions washed over him, pouring out like a fountain. Being without Luhan was like not breathing, impossible. He can't leave, he won't leave and I won't let him leave. His mind was too far gone, too far gone in a world that only surrounds around Luhan. He knew what he wanted and would not waver. Sehun would stand his ground.

However Sehun didn't understand what the latter was going through. They'd call him names, push him, leave him out and discriminate against him, just because he came from a different country! Luhan was sick of the teasing, sick of all of it. He didn't want this, no one wants this. This was the only solution he could think of; leaving.

Leaving SM, leaving exo, leaving Korea. That's all he could think of. He had pondered on what he could do for weeks, months even. He was scared shaken by the idea of leaving. Even though he knew that this was his only option, the terror was never the less fearful. The amount of love he felt for Sehun was never ending so the idea of leaving him was heart breaking. Now that idea is being put into action and now, this moment is the most heart wrenching. Telling him why. Why he has to leave, why it has to end like this, why he can't do this anymore.

"I-i have to, I can't do this anymore!"

Luhan was far from ready for this. His tiny hands balled at his sides, emotions overwhelming him, his mind threatening to break down. He wasn't ready for what awaited him.

"What do you mean?! Please don't do this Luhan, I need you. How can I live on without you?!" Sehun questioned, trying to persuade his boyfriend.

"It's too much Sehun!! I feel awful every single day, god you're the only one that gives me that happiness to live on!" Luhan screeched, mentally hoping Sehun would let him leave, hoping Sehun would be understanding.

"So stay, please stay," Sehun voice was wavering now. He's pleading the latter, down on his knees begging his lover to stay.

"Why are you being like this? Can't you be understanding?! Think about how I feel Sehun!! Think about what I want! Think about me!!!" Luhan broke down. Now on the floor, head in his hands, his tears staining his shirt, he was a mess.

"Let's break up!"

"Lu, don't say things like that. Don't say things you don't mean." Sehun gently explained.

"Wh-what if I did mean it Sehun?!" Luhan enquired.

"Surly not Lu."

"I'm sorry Sehun. I-i just can't do this anymore. Good bye Sehun..." Luhan only just managed to croak out the good bye, before turning around suitcase in hand strolling of not looking back, leaving a heart broken Sehun behind.

Author Notes~

Good news guys! This is going to be updated once every two weeks. I've already written 004 so I will always be on time. WoOOOooooOoOoO I feel productive.


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