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"Welcome everyone, to the UWC training hall. All of you have been chosen to be apart of a top secret United Nations initiative. Wow, I'm already tired of talking" a scruffy bearded man said. A man in the back of the auditorium raised his hand. "Please hold all questions until the end of the training address, thank you" the man responded. The man then stepped aside toward his computer. He then started the training video and the projector flickered to life. On screen, a man in a suit appeared and after a minute he began to speak.Hello there new recruits, and welcome to the UWC. My name is James Oliver, I am the commissioner for the UWC. UWC, If you don't already know, stands for United World Corrections. The UWC was established in 1975 by the United Nations at the conclusion of the Vietnam war. Our job essentially, is to take our assigned country, in your case the United States of America, to it's peak potential. We are here to make sure that every country is doing what it takes to achieve our goal of a more safe world. We will make sure that war is treated as an absolute last resort. Over time we want to completely eradicate the need for war. We correct decisions that aren't made properly in order to make sure our country's citizens are treated correctly and fairly according to our natural human rights. Overthrow decisions must be submitted to me unless a branch has a REASONABLE cause. The reasoning must be sound or else a branch risks being closed down. The employees of a branch that mistakenly overthrows a country without good reason would be executed on site. Branches can only overthrow their assigned country. The United States branch is the UWC's head or central branch. Your commissioner's name is Kirk Samuels and all major decisions for your branch are made by him. Rogue agents a.k.a "heroes" are immediately executed when they are discovered. You have all been chosen because of your rich history in your country's military, police force, and defense industry. You are being given an incredible amount of responsibility because the United Nations trusts that you will do what's best for the world. Some agents could also be deleted, meaning you haven't had a severe enough offense for death, but the UN will make sure no average person remembers your existence. You'll then be dropped in death valley on a complex where your space will be restricted until death. You wouldn't be supplied with food or water and survival would be left up to you and you alone. The UWC has come along way since it's establishment. The UWC's most recent aid went to the South Sudan in helping them breakaway from the Sudan. The move we made there however, has now blown up and led to more trouble than the move was worth in the first place due to no plans being made proceeding the South Sudan declaring independence. We did learn a lot from what happened in the Sudan. It is now official protocol for the UWC to make plans for what follows a successful overthrow. We are in charge of setting up the new government following a civil war or overthrow of any country we were responsible for overthrowing. This is the end of the UWC new recruit training video. We will now throw you back to your branch's trainer for a short Q&A session.

"Alright everyone I will now open up the floor to your questions. Before we start I will introduce myself. My name is Mark Jones, I've been with the U.S branch of the UWC for 13 years and I've trained well over 300 recruits for multiple different branches. Let me just have you introduce yourselves before you ask your question. Alright who's first?" Mark asked. Mark looked around the room and pointed toward a short man in the back first. The man wore a tag that said Mike Schatzel. "You there, what is your question sir?" Mark asked. "Hi there My name is Mike Schatzel I was a marine in Desert Storm. I was just wondering if a UWC branch HAS overthrown its assigned country without the commissioner's consent?" Mike wondered. "Hello Mike, to answer your question, a branch overthrowing its assigned country's government at all is a rarity. You can imagine how rare it is that a branch overthrows a government without our commissioner's consent. Now considering all that however it has happened. The most recent example was Montenegro declaring itself sovereign and separate from Serbia. Their reasoning obviously, was found to be satisfactory as there was a very large amount of religious and ethnic tension following the separation of Yugoslavia as a whole." Mark explained. Mark looked around the room at the assortment of faces staring back at him. "Are there any more questions? Yes you, the young woman in the front" Mark pointed out. "Hello my name is Stacey Moore I was army in Afghanistan and Iraq. I am wondering if the rumors are true that the UWC is responsible for the overthrow in Iran in 1953. I know the UWC wasn't established at the time but I heard James Oliver was behind the decision-making process" Stacey stated. "Nice to meet you Stacey glad to see you today. The answer to your question is NO James Oliver had yet to be established as an important enough figure in the UN or in American and Britain foreign policy to make a decision of that caliber. I will however say, mistakes like the overthrow of Iran were one of the chief reasons the UWC was established. We were established so that no one country could decide to overthrow a foreign government without the people's consent. It has partly been decided that the U.S made that overthrow decision for its own selfish reasons. We were established to look out for the greater good of the world itself as a whole and not just one single country. Thank you for your question Stacey" Mark answered. Mark's watch began to go off signaling that is was almost time for them to move onto the next phase of new recruit training. "Okay new recruits I can take just one more question" Mark stated. Mark looked around the room and met the gaze of a man that seemed to be mulling over something important. The man was medium sized, with dark hair, blue eyes, and a name tag on that said: Stephen Boyar. "You sir in the middle row with the confused look, do you have a question" Mark wondered aloud. "Yesum, my name is Stephen Boyar I am a former arms dealer. I was really perplexed, what are the odds that the United States government gets too powerful and needs to be overthrown? Also can a UWC branch influence it's assigned country's elections at all?" Stephen asked. Mark looked around, he was a little disturbed by the question. He wondered, should he answer the question or dodge it. "Hello Stephen it's great to meet you. To answer your question or questions I guess I should say. Firstly, UWC branches are not allowed to influence their country's elections other than airing general campaign ads to in support of their commissioner's and committee's preferred candidates. UWC branches however, do pick their country's secretary of defense and stage the elections for that office. Secondly, the odds of the United States government needing to be overthrown are quite low simply because of the system of checks and balances that the government runs on. If a president somehow took over the entire government through some type of coup then we would need to overthrow them but even then James Oliver might not take it as legitimate cause. An overthrow of the U.S government would be very hard to sell upstairs. Thank you for your questions Stephen and with that I will have to conclude today's training class. Meet back here tomorrow everyone and I will teach you all how to deal with workplace drama at the UWC" Mark stated concluding the class. As if leaving from a high school class everyone quickly grabbed their things and left their room. Coming down the hall Stephen Boyar collided shoulders with the U.S branch Commissioner Kirk Samuels. "Oh sorry new recruit my name is Kirk Samuels" Kirk stated extending his hand for a shake. "Everything is fine" Stephen answered shaking his hand and walking away abruptly. Kirk then headed into the training room to meet Mark Schatzel. "So how did everything go? Any standouts?" Kirk asked. "Well not really... except..." Mark trailed off. "What is it Mark? Why did you hesitate?" Kirk asked concerned. "Well let's just say you may wanna keep an eye on recruit Boyar" Mark cautioned the commissioner.   

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