The Monitor

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Kyler Storm sat back in his chair drowsy from the late night of work before. He had the position of new recruit monitor. Essentially his job was to keep an eye on all new recruits of the UWC and make sure there were no red flags during their training period. Kirk Samuels had called him the night before and told him to look up the recruiting file of a man named Stephen Boyar. Kyler filled his glass with a little bit of vodka. Kyler almost always had some sort of alcohol in his office fridge. He sat back in his chair peering at the file on his desk. He had looked it over a million times or so and found nothing of real significance. The man was a simple case of a former arms dealer foreign and domestic. He didn't really step outside his bounds at all, there was no criminal record to speak of. Kyler couldn't really understand why Samuels wanted the file in the first place. He logged on to his computer thinking that maybe just maybe something might be missing. Clicking through windows he still found nothing of significance. There were no incriminating articles, videos, or files on Mr. Boyar. Kyler sat back in his chair and switched on his office tv. The screen flashed to life and a political broadcast on the upcoming election appeared on the screen. A man named Paul Johnston (a presidential candidate) began to speak to an excited and attentive crowd.

Your american congress is not willing to do anything to upset the Middle East. These Muslims are insane and will stop at nothing to exterminate america. If you vote me into office I promise that these people will be monitored all over the United States. We will no longer allow immigrants from this region into our country. Our borders will consistently be monitored and guarded. Mexico will no longer be able to toss it's garbage over our borders either. These people are causing nothing but mayhem in our country. I will also cut taxes for everyone including the wealthy.

Kyler gagged, he couldn't believe the things Johnston got away with saying. Not only did he get away with what he said, he even gained popularity after the insane things he said. Suddenly, there was a buzz at Kyler's door. Kyler pushed the talk button on his keypad. "Yes who is it?" Kyler asked. "It's Commissioner Samuels, Kyler please buzz me in" Kirk answered. Kyler pressed the release button on the lock and sat back in his swivel chair. Kirk pushed the door open and sat down on the office sofa by the tv. The door shuddered as it shut and relocked itself. Kyler handed Kirk a cup of coffee and set the pitcher back on his lounge counter. "So what brings you to my office this morning sir?" Kyler asked smiling. "I came to ask if you found anything on new recruit Boyar?" Kirk asked inquisitively. "I found nothing in the files I looked at. I even looked on the FBI database and still found nothing incriminating. All of his arms deals and contracts were clean. Frankly, I'm really confused as to why you had me look up all this info and didn't tell me what raised so much suspicion about a new recruit. The man was a clean and honorable arms dealer. Would you care to tell me why you had me look up all this information?" Kyler asked. Kirk shifted in his chair, he looked a little disturbed by Kyler's line of questioning. "What do you think the chances of us having to overthrow the U.S government is?" Kirk asked. Kyler leaned forward against his desk. He had to think about what Kirk had asked. "Well sir, I'm not really sure that him asking a question like that was a reason for me to pull his files. I also heard he asked about our ability to affect elections. His concern, believe it or not, may be valid at this current point in time" Kyler wandered aloud. "How so?" Kirk asked. Kyler pointed to his office tv for an answer. "Oh, is Johnston that big of an issue?" Kirk asked perplexed. Kyler let out a bit of chuckle rolling his eyes. "Yes he absolutely is. He says whatever he wants and still somehow continues to gain popularity at a high rate. He has the money and the steady rate of income that makes taking over the U.S government  a feasible possibility" Kyler answered. "I understand that he has the money but he'd have to have an army to take over the U.S wouldn't he?" Kirk asked. "Not necessarily the congress has been bought and sold that much he is absolutely right about. If all they currently care about is money then it wouldn't be very hard to pay them off for something of this magnitude. Even if he couldn't get the congress on board with a takeover. He would easily be able to pay off New York's five mafia families without any sort of problems. He could combine that with every local gang and major gang in the U.S and set up a takeover of Washington D.C without much of an issue.  I'm not saying that a hostile takeover is a real possibility, but if there were ever a time we should be monitoring this government with intensity. This would most definitely be that time" Kyler informed the commissioner. Kirk sat back and his took a sip of his coffee and looked around the room. "Kyler you are probably the only man I know of that can handle an overthrow of the current U.S government. You could probably easily overthrow a Johnston led government as well. Your work in the Gulf wars was absolutely perfect. As of now I'm going to assign you the position of Overthrow Coordinator. Even if an overthrow is very very unlikely to be needed I'd feel most comfortable if we had you in that position. I'll ask James Oliver if an overthrow of the U.S government stands a real chance of being accepted and I'll get back to you with the answers" Kirk responded. "Do you still want me to monitor Boyar?" Kyler asked. "I would keep a close eye on him even if he was just asking out of concern for the elections we can't rule out the possibility of a hero's overthrow" Kirk ordered. "Alright I'll monitor his progress, let me know what the commissioner says about the overthrow possibility. Obviously we aren't gonna overthrow the government now but we need to know if it would ever be accepted in case we have to. We still need to make sure that we can protect our agents" Kyler stated. Kirk stood up and headed toward the door. "I'll get back to you tomorrow Kyler, it was nice talking to you" Kirk said smiling. Kirk then left Kyler's office and Kyler headed back to his computer. Kyler brought up a search engine to look up the approval ratings of the 2 major presidential candidates. The only real opponent to Paul Johnston was the democratic nominee Mrs. Lora Parker. Lora Parker had been in politics for many years in many different positions. Most recently, she was a Ohio senator. Looking at the screen, the search results popped onto the screen.

Lora Parker-- 55%

Paul Johnston-- 45%

Kyler dawned a cautious smile. He was happy that Mrs. Parker was leading, but in the back of his mind he knew he would only push Paul's instability and it could lead to the supposed overthrow that Boyar feared. Kyler looked back up at the tv and listened to Johnston a little bit more

This country is headed for trouble and our most recent president has done nothing to fix it. He is merely being praised for the things that our citizens have done during his presidential term. He somehow won in 2012 but his time is up it's either me or Mrs. Parker. Mrs. Parker however, is nothing but a lying crook. I've been running my construction company in this country for almost 40 years now. I've kept all jobs in my company inside our borders. I know what it's like to struggle, 5 years ago 2 of my 50 company's branches closed down.

Kyler began to laugh aloud about everything he had just heard. He thought about everything Johnston said. He had failed to relate his experiences to the people and yet somehow the citizens still supported him. The U.S seriously is a puzzle, impossible to figure out. Suddenly a link appeared on Kyler's computer screen. 'Why Johnston is being accepted by the U.S citizenry'

Kyler launched the link and took a sip of his vodka as a video popped onto his screen. A scruffy short journalist walked onto screen. "Democratic voters are stumped, and can't figure out why there is even a possibility that Johnston isn't losing by a landslide. If you look at Johnston's behavior it seems obvious that he is an absolute trainwreck of a candidate that doesn't stand a chance in this year's election. We at the INN looked in depth at Johnston's appeal to his supporters and found a few surprises along the way.

Most of his supporters are Lower Middle Class white males.

Most of them don't vote in most elections

A lot of them are unemployed

Very few really look at his policy knowledge

  Kyler shut off the video out of disgust. How could anyone at all support a man like Johnston. He has no knowledge of politics at all whatsoever. He says racist and homophobic comments in almost everyone of his speeches. The deck seemed stacked against Johnston as a candidate but for some reason Kyler still wasn't comfortable with this year's election. Even if Mrs. Parker didn't win Kyler was convinced something bad might happen when it comes to the government. Kyler sat back and prayed aloud.

"God please let these people make the right decision"

Suddenly Kyler's phone began to ring. Kyler grabbed the phone and pulled it off the receiver. "This is Kyler" Kyler said answering the phone. "This is Commissioner Oliver. I just wanted you to know that I will be visiting you tomorrow" the caller stated.

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