12.5: ...'Til the Coffin Drops

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A/N: I'm surprised y'all were surprised at last chapter lol. I've been hinting at Marquise's creepiness & pushiness towards Sarita since he was introduced, but nobody caught on to it. Anyway, on to the chapter. Enjoy😉

Royalty sat at the breakfast nook eating a bowl of Fruit Loops. Today is Sunday so that means the last day of rest before the start of another week. When she heard, "Morning morning folks!" she rolled her eyes as milk dripped on her lip. She licked it off to see Tyree walk further into the kitchen shirtless. She looked at his back muscles flex as he reached into the top cabinets when Lola said, "Harmony? I haven't seen you around here in awhile."

Royalty turned her head to see a brown skin girl with purple hair standing there. Royalty looked her up and down as she smiled at Lola tucking a hair behind her ear. "I know, but me and Tyree are back together now." Lola smiled saying, "Oh, wow! Well, I'm glad. I got tired of him bringing hussy's into my house." Harmony laughed as Royalty just sucked her teeth loudly looking at Tyree. He was trying his hardest to avoid eye contact with Royalty.

Royalty turned in her seat towards the girl extending her hand smiling. "I'm Royalty." Harmony looked at Tyree who just kept his head down as he put Nutella on a waffle. He was going to act like he didn't know what was going on until he didn't need to anymore. Royalty tilted her head to the side with her hand still extended waiting. "Harmony," she said shaking Royalty's hand. "Pretty name." "You too," she replied.

As they let go Royalty said, "I guess I should say who I am..Just think of me as Tyree's little sister." She said looking at Tyree who was still acting oblivious to everything. "Oh, huh? Y'all are that close?" Harmony asked. "We've gotten real close since I've moved in. He's taught me a lot," Royalty said smiling as Tyree cleared his throat. "Shouldn't you be going, Harmony? I thought you said you have to get home and change for church," Tyree finally said.

"Uh, yeah. Can you walk me out?" Tyree nodded his head walking Harmony to the door while Royalty got up putting her bowl and spoon in the sink. Lola whistled to herself before exiting the kitchen. She didn't want to be there for the argument between the two. Royalty began to wash the dishes when Tyree came back into the kitchen. He walked up standing next to Royalty. "What the fuck is your problem?" he asked in a low voice.

Royalty just smiled to herself continuing to wash dishes. Tyree laughed shaking his head saying, "I really don't get you. You get mad when you see me with another girl, but you're always telling me to leave you alone. You think I'm gonna sit around and wait on your childish ass? I tell you the truth, you get mad. I lie to save your feelings, you get mad. What the fuck do you want?" Royalty rolled her eyes asking, "Can you put this in the drying rack?"

Tyree flared his nostrils looking at the bowl in her hand. He snatched it from her putting it in the drying rack. "Answer my question!" Royalty looked up at Tyree saying, "I want you to be happy. Be happy with her because whatever we were doing is done. Don't even think about showing up at my door. If I'm in trouble don't even try to save me. I don't want your help or friendship. I won't be in this house much longer anyway," she said walking off going upstairs.

Tyree exhaled deeply leaving the kitchen too going upstairs, but towards Sarita's room. They needed to study for a final they had tomorrow. He knocked on the door waiting, but got no response. "Rita?" he called out with no answer, so he decided to leave. He figured maybe she was out right now. She wasn't though. She was curled up under her covers sitting in the dark. When she realized Tyree was gone from by her door she pulled the covers back over her head.

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