Private Tour: Lauren

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I awoke refreshed the next morning I hopped into the shower ,changed into fresh clothes and headed to the elevator to grab breakfast as the elevator doors opened I was met face to face with the girls who were also just exiting adjacent elevator. "Hi" a raspy voice spoke I turned quickly to see the Emerald Eyed goddess staring at me a huge smile plastered across her face once I caught sight of what she was wearing my heart skipped a beat

"Stop starin' girl its rude" the tall blonde who I now know is Dinah spoke up knocking me out of my trance - like state
"Sorry" I said as I hurried past them I could hear the girls laughing behind me as I entered the buffet area I quickly grabbed a plate and hauled ass to the Belgian Waffles I fixed it up my style Strawberry Glaze with fresh Strawberries strawberry syrup,butter ,whipped cream, and chocolate chips to top it all off. I grabbed 2 Sausage links and slid them onto my plate along with my favorite fresh steaming hot cheese eggs.

I then walked over to the juices and milks and poured me a glass of Apple Juice because I hated orange juice and found my seat. I sat eating quietly watching as the girls chuckled and made jokes as they went through the buffet line. I overheard lauren laugh at something that she apparently thought was funny something caught my eyes and as I glanced over I noticed Camila waving shyly at me as she smiled as she bit her bottom lip..

gosh she was so cute I smiled and waved back she then proceeded to whisper something in Lauren's ear which caused her to look my way and smile and wave also I smiled and waved back. Afterwards I continued eating my waffle. I was enjoying my meal when loud laughter caught my attention I glanced up an saw the girls looking at Normani's phone laughing I bit into my sausage and watched them until I felt someone watching me.

I flicked my eyes to see Lauren staring at me a small smile on her face. She stood up and walked over to my table my heart stopped. "Why are you sitting alone?" She asked innocently
"I always sit alone,its peaceful and besides the less human interaction the better" I responded lauren furrowed her brow and looked at me strangely

"I'm kidding" I said giggling at her gullibility. She smiled in response. "So, when's the private tour? This hotel is huge will we get to it all?" She asked anxiously

"Yeah, we will I'll show you the Best places I think you'll like it" I said. As I took a sip of my Apple Juice. I continued eating and noticed that lauren had been staring at me since she walked over to me.

"Do you ever blink?" I asked sarcastically


"You were staring at me like a vampire stares at someone neck" I said trying not to giggle " Oh sorry I hadn't noticed here umm here's my room number when you're ready come find me" she said writing her room number on a peice of paper

I smiled as I took the paper and read it and smilled RM 810 "ok cool so sunset is the best time you'll find out why" I said softly "ok sunset it is" she said smiling at me..god her eyes were so beautiful "Lauren get over here girl!" The tall blonde shouted from across the table. "I can't wait I'll see you later OK" she said as she ran back I've to the girls who were immediately asking her questions I smiled as I shook my head and walked to the trash to empty my plate.

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