Part 7

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Hey everyone, this is a Snot and Sandy chapter, cause I just missed writing their bits. Also sorry for not updating I'm turning into one of them again aren't I? xxx😋

Sandy sighed as she continued packing. Her parents were almost devastated that she was moving out, but she was ready for a change. She was tired of being babied and treated like a dimwit when she wasn't. Her parents were great and granted not paying rent was a plus, but when her deaf friends offered her a room in their house for cheap, she couldn't pass it up. It would feel like a college experience and she would get to see Snot more often since he was planning on living in the same area nearby. She knew he was dealing with a lot at home. He avoided his father as much as possible as he too began his process of moving.

As much as she wanted to, she was actually glad he hadn't introduced her to him. He was very up front with her about the violence his father had put him through and still did and therefore, he did not want her in that environment scaring her. It made her question Snot and if he would be the same way, but because he never laid a hand on her, she trusted him. Besides, he admitted how violent he used to be but had put it all behind him and put it towards police training instead. She was proud of how far he'd come. And hey, with him, she felt very protected. It was nice.

She smiled thinking about how excited he was when he told her he was getting his own place. He'd saved up money from his job at the bicycle store he worked at and managed to find a small one room apartment. He'd considered a roommate with a two bedroom, but he really just wanted to be on his own. He'd even offered to let her live with him, but she wasn't ready for that yet.

She looked around to make sure she'd gotten all of her books when she heard her phone vibrate. As usual, the feeling of panic and anxiety set in as she heard it. She walked around a row of boxes scattered in her room and found her nightstand where her phone was plugged in. She swallowed and looked at the screen quickly. Her stomach sank as the number she'd unfortunately committed to memory came flashing up. She opened her phone to receive what Damien had texted her: Who was that boy you with at fair?

She shook a little and then erased his message. Jack had told her to save the messages and keep them as documentation for his harassment, but for some reason they were just too scary and she couldn't stand the thought of having them saved in her phone.

She put her phone down and went back to packing, fixing her ponytail in the process. Once she'd determined she was finally all done packing, the next step would be enlisting Snot to help her move her things to her new house tomorrow. She had asked Jack if he could help out, but he had a class to attend when she was making the official move.

Her phone vibrated again and she closed her eyes for patience, praying it was a friend and not a foe. God was not listening it seemed as Damien texted her again: I don't like who you are with.

She deleted it quickly and then decided to take a shower to get her mind off of everything. She'd be glad to move soon, considering Damien didn't know that.

She knew she should just change her number again, but she didn't want Snot getting suspicious. She'd lied before and told him she'd changed it because she was getting spam. But to change it again after so little time would be asking for a real explanation. She trusted Snot, but she just didn't want him to get upset and feel the need to protect her all the time. Her parents did that to her enough and no offense to Jack but he was also doing the same and for once in her life she just wanted to feel independent enough to take care of herself.

She considered blocking his number but that would mean he would find another means of coming after her and that thought scared her even more. She groaned as all the negativity started making her stomach hurt.

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