Welcome home Debbie!!

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Years and years ago,i was on a journey
I parted ways with my lover
Only to become a murdrer
I left my so called abode
With a secret code
Mother cried :"Don't leave me sweetheart "
But I was leaving for a new hello after saying an old goodbye

Days and days went on, Twas turmoil full
But later cool
Memories came as usual, thoughts fighting their way in
While heart running into a special inn
I don't expect you to know why I ran away
I only did it to find a treasure buried in me; although the haters never hear my plea
But my odyssey is here and there's no going back until I'm set free

Now is here,my past tearing me apart
I'm engaged in a war by my bloody self
I am loosing it,loosing my life for good
"Break the border between yourself and God, let go of all the offenses the world has caused you "
These were words of my family both Corvus, Rose and Mahlia.
True sons of their father
Those words sinked in deep of me
And I picked up my quill pen and wrote : welcome home Debbie!

Alas!! I was an overcomer
I had found what I searched the globe for
I found I, I found me, I found Debbie
And again mother, friends family exclaimed: welcome home Debbie!!

Authors note
Special shout out to @divine_corvus and @rosebyanothername and _madeinjamaica95ntion a usermention a userntion a usera user

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