Signs In Love!!

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Aries: An Aries will be so closed off at first, you will wonder if they are into you at all. If their wall will ever come down. But it will, slowly, and once it does, there's no going back. Because they will look at you like you're everything they've ever dreamed of and they will act stupid just to make you laugh.

Taurus: A Taurus will be so passionate that you will wonder how you ever lived without the feeling they give you in your chest. They will give you anything you want, and 10x better than you've ever had it before.

Gemini: A Gemini will show you a sensitive side to them that only you can see. Because they'll want to trust you right away, they will tell you everything, and you will tell them everything back because that's just how comfortable they make you. It will be a safety that you've never felt before.

Cancer: A Cancer will drown you in some type of affection that you didn't know existed. Their admiration for you will never be questioned, they'll make it apparent. Possibly the sweetest lovers everrrrrr.

Leo: A Leo is fiery and passionate. They will send you the long texts you desire, they will wear the outfits that drive you crazy (in the good way), and they'll be yours whenever you need them to be. They will kiss you hard and kiss you right, you won't want to let go.

Virgo: A Virgo will look at you and see the universe. They will make it obvious that you're the only one. Little gifts will definitely not be something rare, and they will always be there for you when you need to talk.

Libra: A Libra wants to give give and give. They will buy you everything. Dinner, clothes, fuckin' airplane tickets. I mean everything. Being spoiled is an understatement.

Scorpio: You will be able to tell a Scorpio loves you even when you're fighting. Because even though they are stuck in anger, their love never waivers. You can tell they love you by the way they look at you, by the way they talk to you. They're not just passionate in anger, they're passionate about everything.

Sagittarius: A Sagittarius will always want to spend time with you. but not in an annoying way, They just want to be able to hold you and look at you and admire you, is that really so bad? You won't think 'needy', you'll think 'wow, they really do love me'

Capricorn: A Capricorn is a rare person to get through to, in a feelings type of way. So if you do, you're special. Because they will always be laughing around you and always ready for whatever you want to do. They'll say all the things you want to hear, but they'll really mean them.

Aquarius: An Aquarius will always want to be touching in some way. Holding hands, cuddling, etc. They just want to be able to feel you and know that you're there and not going away anytime soon.

Pisces: An emotional lover, but it's not bad. Because everything they say will come directly from how they're feeling. You'll feel some kind of very real truth from them. The comfort you feel from them will be all too real and gentle.

Zodiac SignsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon