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"I'm pregnant."

Robins eyes when wide when those two words slipped from her red lips. He braced himself against his locker and tried to process the news. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Regina it was only once-" he begins.

"That's all it takes Robin." She whispers and holds back her tears.

Robin looked over at Regina and sighed. He had got her pregnant. He doubted that Regina even hinted to tell her mother about her having a baby let alone having sex.

"I'm sorry." She whispers with tears slowly rolling down her cheeks.

"Regina don't be sorry. I backed you into a corner and had sex with you."

"It takes two to be that intimate Robin. I should've been on the pill to guarantee this wouldn't happen but I was stupid and irresponsible and you helped me lose my virginity. And something more came out of it. I'm sorry." She whispers and pulls away from Robin.

Robin just stood there in shock. He wasn't ready to be a father. And he didn't know if he wanted a baby just yet, this baby just yet.

"Regina I need sometime to think about this..." He mumbles.

"I knew you were gonna say that! I should've gotten an abortion so you wouldn't have to be scared and stressed out Robin." She picks up her bag and begins to walk away when Robin grabs her wrist to stop her.

"Regina," he begins sadly. She knew exactly what was about to happen. The sorrow in his voice, the guilt on his face and his blue bright eyes slowly fading into darkness.

"Robin no-" she says trying not to cry. "You can't break up with me please!"

"Regina it's for the best..."

"No it's not! It's so you don't have to deal with your child! So you don't have to be committed to me. So you don't feel obligated to help me through all this! I knew this was going to happen Robin! I even said it to Emma. I can't believe you! You don't love me enough to help me figure this out!" She says with tears falling down her cheeks.

"Regina I do love you."

"You don't destroy the person you love." She croaks out and walks down the hall crying. Leaving Robin alone to regret everything he just did.

*2 Weeks later*

Regina sat on the bathroom floor crying. She wrapped her arms around her flat stomach and memories of Robin breaking up with her flooded through her mind.

That night when Regina came home in tears, Cora knew something was up and tried to ask her daughter what was wrong but Regina just pushed her away and locked herself in her room.

Slowly and tiredly Regina gripped the edge of the porcelain sink and pulled herself up to her feet. Dizziness suddenly washed over her and she gripped the sink even tighter.

"Mom!" Regina says with tears forming once again. Regina heard her mothers footsteps running quickly up the stairs and right to the bathroom door.

"Regina what's wrong?" She says jiggling the locked doorknob.

"I'm pregnant." She cries out.

"Regina Grace Mills!" Cora begins to scold until she heard Regina crying even harder.

"I told Robin and he-he dumped me."

"How could you be so stupid!" Her mother yells.

"I'm getting an abortion." She whispers and opens the door slowly. She looks down and starts walking back to her room before turning to her mother.

16 and pregnantTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon