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It was starting to get cold outside. I had to wear a coat outside and it was projected to snow in a week.

As I walked into the dorm, I knew something was up. Cas was sitting on his bed, his head in his hands. My mind flashed back to when my dad was in the exact same position.

"Cas," I breathed, trying to keep my heart rate under control.

"Dean." He took a deep breath. "I have something really important I need to tell you. And I'm honestly terrified to do it."

"Please don't be leaving." I stood in front of the door still, too scared out of my wits to move.

This was my worst nightmare. The day my dad left had scarred me for life and I had grown really attached to my roommate. Cas was my closest friend outside of my family.

"Leaving? Why would I leave?" He turned to look at me. "I'm not leaving, Dean."

I shrugged it off and walked inside, internally filled to the brim with relief. Setting down my backpack at my desk, I made my way over to his bed and sat next to him.

"What do you need to tell me?"

"Gabe's the only person I've told so far." He looked down at his hands in his lap as he nervously messed with his fingers. "I wanted you to be the second to know. And this kind of topic has only come up once, briefly, since we became friends, so I'm not entirely sure how you feel about it."

"Cas, whatever it is, I'll still be your friend and your roommate. Absolutely nothing you say right now will change how much I need you by my side," I assured him.

"Dean." He looked up and into my eyes, a single tear falling from his own. "I... I'm g-gay."

"Oh, Cas." I pulled him into a hug as he started crying.

I'd never seen him cry before. He was always the stronger one between us. Of course, I put up a masculine appearance on the outside and acted tougher towards anyone else, but around him I felt safe enough to show my softer side when I was sad or upset.

"Sorry," he whispered between sobs against my shoulder. "I shouldn't be so scared."

"You have every right to be. Gay people have been treated unfairly for years. And you're right, I've never really told you my opinions on it, but I fully support equal rights for the lgbt community." I rubbed my hand up and down his back, trying to soothe him.

"Thank you."

I held him until he calmed down and then we watched Wayne's World, one of his favourite movies.

my friend ditched me and im sitting in Photo, colouring a page of my journal so it looks tie dyed

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