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I nodded and laid back down next to Cas, pulling the covers up to my chin. Reaching to the side of the bed, I switched off the lamp, then turned back to face my friend.

He closed his eyes and mumbled a "goodnight".

As my eyes adjusted in the darkness, I studied Cas's delicate features. His eyes were insanely blue, which had always astounded me. When he slept, I could see the movement of them through his eyelids.

His lips were slightly parted with small, slow breaths moving between them as his chest rose and fell.

I wasn't an artistic person like he was, but the sight of Cas curled up, peacefully asleep next to me, gave me inspiration. Looking around for the nearest way to somehow capture this moment, I noticed his journal and a pencil sitting on the nightstand between the bed and the door.

I grabbed the two objects and opened the book to a blank page near the back. My hand took over as I started drawing a depiction of the sleeping boy in front of me.

When the drawing was finished, I tore the page out and folded it up, deciding that it was kind of creepy for me to be watching my best friend sleep. I stuck the paper in the pocket of my pajama pants and closed my eyes.

i'm so sad that this chapter is too short for the whole song to play while reading it

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