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so, this is weird. the following little story is a History task, one where we had a prompt question about Slavery and Migration and had to answer it. I decided to write a little story for each of the prompts, and this is the first one (there'll be one more after this). this is written from the point of view of a slave who is being released, and it's his reaction to being handed freedom.

the prompt was: if you were a slave that had just been released, what would you do first? find a family? get revenge?

hope you enjoy.


I step from the house, the birds whistling my blissful release. I am free? I ask, turning to the man who has held me under his rule for so many years, but who I still cannot bring myself to hate.

He nods and says, Walk a free man, Rig, back to your home. Your work under my instruction is done.

I smile at him, bowing slightly, which he returns. I turn back to the expansive world that has just been handed to me, and begin to laugh. I put one foot in front of the other, walking up the lane and away from the cotton plantation that has for so long locked me away.

My shoes are new, a gift from my master-no, former master-and they click with satisfying regularity as I step. I am expected to feel remorse for the way I have been treated over the last years, but I feel nothing except the freedom in my lungs and the prospects brushing my cheeks. I remember the name my master gave me-Rig-which I no longer have to answer to. My name is Desta once again, and my mood finally lives up to my name-joy.

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