Someone Call the Doctor-5

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Joohyuk's POV
I'm late! I'm late! I'm so freaking lateee!
AUGH I don't don't have my uniform either!
I'm gonna be in so much trouble....
I run through the halls trying to reach my class as quickly in possible when I accidentally run into someone, I stumble back a bit but quickly recover and look down at what I pumped into,
A young girl with dark hair splayed across her shoulders and in her face.
She's in our school uniform but I've never noticed her, sh has pale skin and red lips,I have to admit it's really enticing.....she blows her bangs out of her face and looks up at me and I'm struck by her gaze, her big dark eyes piercing into mine, her red lips parted slightly in an annoyance....she is so adorable....

Snapping out of my trance a little bit I start talking"Umm are you okay??""Huh?" She seemed to snap out of her thoughts and her gaze had dropped from mine seeming now a little shy

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Snapping out of my trance a little bit I start talking
"Umm are you okay??"
"Huh?" She seemed to snap out of her thoughts and her gaze had dropped from mine seeming now a little shy....ack she seems to have a cute personality too....
"Let me help you up" without thinking I gently grab her hand and upper arm and pull her up.
"O-oh uh thanks....."  She stutters and I think I'm about to scream like a little girl....
"I um sorry for running into you I wasn't paying attention to where I was going I was looking down and-"
"You must be new here..." I cut her off, I don't know why but if she kept talking I don't know what I would do....
"Huh? Uh yeah...."
Not knowing what to say next I just continue to stare at her....sly I know.
:she finally breaks the silence " you know where the teacher's office is??"
I continue to stare at her.
And she looks back with confusion.
"Yeah follow me"
The whole way there I didn't know what to say to her, she just quietly walked behind me.
Finally after what felt like forever we got to the teachers office
"Here is the teachers office"
I think she was trying to be cold and distant which was working I thought I had done something that offended her or she just hated me but all the sudden she gives me a huge smile
""Thanks!" I couldn't help but just stare.
"Hm...well thanks again I'll go inside..." She bows her head a little and walk in the room shutting the door behind her, I take the moment to try to control my rapidly beating heart and my mind that is spinning like crazy
"What is this?" I mumble under my breathe. I look up and see her staring at Jae, a student who just graduated. Pretty decent fellow has a pretty big social circle and has had a few girlfriends. I can't tell this new girl is curious, her big eyes wondering around the room and setting back on Jae, I quietly inter the room behind her.
"That's Park Jaehyung, he just graduated, they say he's already volunteered for his mandatory military enlistment"
She whips around and looks at me, well looks up at me, standing so close I realize how tiny she is.
"I guess I should introduce myself, my name is Nam Joohyuk and I'm a senior here"
I stretched out my hand and she just stared at it for a second before taking my hand, so tiny and fragile...
"Kim Sohyun and I'm a junior..."
"So-hyun...nice name^^"
I try to be push away my awkwardness and calm my racing heart.
Just as she was about to say thank you the teacher called me out.
"Mr. Nam may I ask why you are here and not in class? And where is your uniform? I'm disappointed in you young man"
"Sorry Mrs. Lee! I forgot to wash my uniform and as I was headed to class I ran into this new student and showed her the way"
Sighing the teacher looked at
Sohyun "name?"
"Kim Sohyun ma'am"
"Ah yes ok come here and I'll get you your class schedule, Nam Joohyuk you head to class" slightly disappointed I can't walk her to her class I quickly respond to the teacher
"Yes ma'am"
I waved good bye to her and she gave me a small smile with a gentle wave and I walk out the door.

-Lumch Time-
Last class before lunch just ended and I sit back in my deer stretching my arms a bit, I hear some of my classmates talking
"Dude did you hear we got a new student!"
"No way dude is it a chick? What grade? Is she a freshy?"
""Yeah a girl! I hear she's a junior and super hot!"
"Point her out to me at lunch! "
The leave the class room heading for the cafeteria and I watch them go as j burn holes into their backs with my eyes. Annoyed that guys are already talking about her like that and they haven't even seen her.
I grab my bag and head out the door,
Racing to get to the cafeteria going that if Sohyun is there that no one has claimed sitting next to her yet.
Racing down the hallways I finally get to the cafeteria and see Sohyun just about to walk in
I quickly call out her name and she slowly turns around, it's clear on her face that she was surprised
I take large strides towards her
Still surprised she looks at me
"What are you doing here?"
I counter her quickly
"Am I not allowed to eat lunch?"
I giver her an innocent look but she just  looks at me with a face of un-amusement but I quickly saw her shield break and she tips her head down letting her bangs fall in her face, her small attempt to his her adorable smile and let's out a small giggle that made me let out a small laugh
"You know what I meant..." She says looking up at me with a twinkle in her eye. Happy that we are not so awkward I ask her one more question
"hehe maybe anyway I remembered your name do you remember mine?"

" Of course you're Joosuk...Nam Joosuk"
Once again my heart skipped a beat when she called my name, I think I should go to the nurses office...this can't be normal.
I give her a grin "it's cute when you say my name" she looks flabbergasted and doesn't know what to say, I chuckle and open the door "let's go get some lunch"

-To be Continued-

Hi guise! Sorry for not updating so longT_T school is a jerk.....
Heh hope you all like this chapter! Please vote and comment!
Sorry for any grammar or spell errors, I will edit when the story is finished because I'm lazy......
Also isn't that an adorable pic of Joohyuk???? Agh he kills me....
Anyway until next time

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