Caramel Macchiato-7

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Sohyun POV
I slowly open my eyes, the morning sun shining brightly in my eyes making me pull the covers over my head and groaning a bit in annoyance, once my eyes adjust to being open I grab for my phone and check the time, the clock showing eight thirty and I once again groan. I sit up tossing my blanket off my body and lazily roll out of my bed falling with a big thump. letting out a small sigh I shut my eyes and slump to the side begging for sleep to find me once again. Realizing after a minute that my attempts are futile I stand up fixing my over sized sleep shirt that covers mid thigh I walk over to my bedroom door and slowly peek my head out.

I see my three younger sisters sitting at the table eating a small breakfast of toast and milk and animatedly chatting away with each other, I tiptoe out hoping to be unnoticed by the rambunctious group but fail when I start to close the bathroom door, the middle sister the most hyper one in the morning out of the three, turns and looks at me her eyes lightning up and a huge smile playing across her face "Unni! good morning!!!" she starts to ramble away talking about random topics that my head can't process so early in the morning so I finally stop her "ya..calm down a bit, I just woke up" giving me a bit of a pout but quickly turning back around to the other two girls she goes back to her previous conversation. Once again sighing I close the bathroom door and do my business.

Finishing in the bathroom, still wearing my night shirt but having a clean far and teeth and combed hair I head upstairs to my mom's bedroom. Her door slightly ajar I walk in and see her reading something on her phone. I plop down on her bed next to her and lean my head on her shoulder "morning" I refuse to say good morning since I mean why would having to wake up and do things good? morning is just morning. She mumbles a good morning and goes back to reading i peer over her shoulder and can tell its something educational, "whatcha reading?" it takes her a moment but she finally looks up "um just on food and nutrition" I nod my head and she goes back to reading, realizing I'm more bothering her then anything I peel myself off the bed and head back down stairs.

Then girls are still at the table only this time they are playing with legos an arguing about who has more pieces, "morning.." i mumble to them and one of them replies, I think t was the youngest but they keep arguing "girls stop fighting if its not a big deal just figure it out with words and not arguments" I hear a few grumbles and complaints but I look at them and they stop talking and mumble an 'ok' I turn around and walk into the kitchen and open the fridge, there isn't a lot in there we haven't been grocery shopping in several weeks, not that hungry anyway I close the fridge and walk back to my room.

We've lived here for several months now and I still have no friends...what am I kidding even at our old place in the city I had no friends...I guess I'm a loner, so Saturday's tend to be a bit boring since I don't have anything to do.

Finally deciding that I'm going to go try out that coffee shop in town I go to my closet and pick out some clothes

Deciding on a Jean shirt with black jeans and red converse with some accessories I leave my hair down in and grab my bag

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Deciding on a Jean shirt with black jeans and red converse with some accessories I leave my hair down in and grab my bag. I walk upstairs and tell my mom my plans and she just tells me to keep in touch. Waving good bye to the littles who are now watching tv, I grab my cheap camera that I bought right when I moved here just for a fun way to document the first bit of living here, and walk out the door.

*Start Music*
It took me fifteen minutes to get to the coffee shop, It was small and quaint, it was a pale yellow color and had lots of odds and ends decorating the front. I walk in the door having a little bell notifying the person that they have a new costumer, I look around and at first don't notice the person behind the counter, the inside looking similar to the outside I briefly look around the small shop, it had a homy feeling to it that I loved. I heard a cough and I turned back to the front and noticed a young man behind the counter, He was wearing a plain sweatshirt and baggy workout pants that I usually hate but he admittedly made look really good, he had glasses on and his face looked really familiar, he wore a surprised expression before his lips curled up into a cheerful smile and then it dawned on me "ah!" "haha now you remember?" "you are Jae....oppa.." I saw the ending a bit quietly still unsure and shy about using the endearing term 'oppa' afraid he'd dislike me calling him that, but if he did mind he didn't show it giving me another warmhearted smile my name slowly played across his lips "oh Sohyun^^" awkwardly I stand there still confused what he is doing behind the counter and to shy to really ask, I think he can tell because he quickly answers my questions "Oh my aunt owns this place, I was helping her out since I had the weekend free from military training before I have to leave this place for my full training" " Oh thanks nice of you to do that for her on your break" "it's the least I can do for her" I nod my head and once again look around the place "oh you can sit down you don't have to stand" for some reason I can barely even talk to him I just get so nervous soI just sit down and slowly look at him "do you want something to drink? its on me" I panic I don't know why but to think he is going to give me something free makes men panicked "no! its fine! Im ok!" "why? " he's got me "um...just..just fine!" "no what do you want? Ill make it for you" "No! really i'm fine!" "just tell me what you want" gosh he's as stubborn as I am. sighing I look him in the eye "..whatever is fine....but I have to pay" he looks at me for a second "why?" ack this boy!! I want to say because I'm not a freeloader but I can't for some reason "just...just because.." not even skipping a beat he just brushes me off "what do you want?" knowing he won this battle I sigh in defeat "um....caramel macchiato...if that's ok.." not saying anything he turns his back to me and gets to work. I watch him work his hands working skillfully like they've done it a thousand times, I won't lie he looks really good with he's sleeves pushed up showing his tight veins flexing overtime his muscular hands do something and I can't help but oogle at this eye candy....

He snaps me out of my thoughts, walking over to the little table I was sitting at setting my drink down and sitting across from me, and for the first time...My heart skipped a beat.


Hey guys! Let me k ow your thoughts and opinions on this chapter! and tell me what you would like to see more of and ill try to add it in. Also write in the comments if you like seeing both sides of the story (Sohyun and Jaehyung plus other characters) or if its to much and you just want to read one point of view.

Let me know so I can make this book better and more enjoyable! I love reading your guys thoughts on it!

Until later


The blue umbrellaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें