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Word had spread quickly that there was an operation to take the serial killer (Y/n) into custody. She was infamous for killing over one hundred people from wall to wall and all that was known about her was that she was the leader of the underground.
"When do you think they're going to storm the place?" (Y/n) says to a mute Helios. He shrugs his shoulders and continues making tea. She rocks on the back legs of a chair.
Footsteps eco up the stair case pounding at the wood.
"Guess that awnsers it," she states as the door is thrown open. Standing in the doorway is a short raven haired man staring daggers at the woman. Behind him comes a taller man with blond hair and bushy eye brows.
"So nice of you to join us the tea is almost ready," she says and set the chair back on all for legs and jesters to the empty chairs set at the table in front of her. "Oh, and please only you two in here, it would get very crowded if everyone was in here."
"(Y/n)," the short man says with such disgust before he slams the door.
(Y/n) feels hurt how he said her name. They used to be such good friends, what ever happened?
The two men sit down across the table from her, Helios pleases cups of tea in front of them.
"Why did you kill them. All those innocent people are dead because of you," Levi says pushing the cup away.
"You of all people know I don't kill innocent people, Levi," (Y/n) says in a hurt tone taking a sip from her cup.
The blond had spoken up, "You know this woman Levi? You know what, I'll deal with that later. Why did you say they arn't innocent?"
(Y/n) puts her arm on Helios' shoulders and he sits down next to her. "The people I had killed are much more cruel than I am. Helios here is an example his parents almost killed him. When I found out they had a basement I snuck down there and found him bound to the walls by chains, scars and bruises all over his body," she lays his head on her shoulder, "he was so scared of me, and he couldn't even speak because they cut his tongue right out of his head. So of course I got mad, no parent should treat their child like that, and they got wht they deserved.
"And everyone that I did kill were parents neglecting or abusing their child."
Erwin look disturbed from what Helios' parents did to him.
"Where are the rest of them?" Levi asked.
"The rest of who?" She looked at him.
"The rest of the underground you are their leader they go where ever you go."
"Ex-leader if you will I passed the tittle on to another because I knew I'd be captured. Speaking of are we going to keep talking or should we get out the chains and have some fun?"

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