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(Y/n) is in the court house dungeon waiting for her trial. Helios is in some room getting questioned about what he knows.
This is the only way, she thinks. She gets lost in thought until she hears a tap on the bars.
Levi is opening the door to the cell. He closes it behind him and pulls up a chair next to the bed. "You're probably going to get executed," he states.
"I know."
"They say you turned yourself in, why?"
"It was going to happen sooner or later and it's for the better," She pauses and looks up at Levi, "Levi do you remember that night?"
The man nods his head remembering a night from years ago.
"Hey there pretty lady, want to come home with me?" A drunken man slurs griping (Y/n)'s upper arm.
"No get off of me," she tries to get her arm back unsuccessfully.
"Aw common I'll show you a good time."
"She says no," Levi pulls (Y/n) away from the man, "now leave."
The man mumbles and walks away.
"Thanks for that Levi," (Y/n) says rubbing her arm.
"Any thing for you," he replies, "do you want to go any where today, it is your birthday?"
The two lovers spent the day with eachother and they couldn't part when it ended.
That night was spent with them in each others arms loving the warmth and protection the other one gives. It was the best night for both of them, expressing how much they loved the other.
Footsteps stop at the cell's door. Levi and (Y/n) look up to see Erwin there. The two men nod and look towards (Y/n). It was time.

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